Hey I'm in pretty much the same boat so here's hoping for both of us ๐ sometimes you just gotta pick a day and go do it I guess :<
I actually met some pretty cool people in a language class I took after college, don't know if there are any near you but class environments are generally pretty low stress.
Ah I gotcha that's a bit rough lol, maybe if you are able to find some cool people, it'll get you used to it so you'll be able to talk more easily with the boss-not-boss xp
I suppose the reason I don't fully believe that is if that were the case, they would say "I'm not a fan of these things but I think trump is doing mostly a good job." They don't, they say he is a great president doing a great job, while minimizing or choosing to ignore the 9/10 things trump has done against their values. They won't list what he's done, just that he's doing a great job.
It's why it feels vibe based rather than anything he's done or will do, because so long as he seems to be on "our side," nothing he does actually matters because they just won't look at it, and if it did happen it's not that bad, and if it is that bad then he had to do it.