
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (1 children)

You're alright Drag. :-). And thank you for letting me vent so excessively and not calling me on it. I needed that. I'm a lifelong Dem straight ticket voter who cant stand Biden. Or Harris.

And I hate how we are trapped in both parties fielding bad candidates with no end in site anytime soon. Harris will try to run twice and after that they are queuing up bloody-hands mealy-mouthed Blinken.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (3 children)

You people asked Biden to step down because he’s old.

I asked him to step down because for the last 50 years he's been an incredily bad democrat and never did deserve any of our support. His support of the far right murderous fascist zionist splinter group. His consistent racist "gaffes". His lack of support for reproductive rights that he blamed on his catholicism. His stupid lawmaking about the drug wars, 3 strikes, and civil asset forfeiture. His 3 attempts to cut social security. His fascist-light policing viewpoints. His willingness to wade into peoples lives about gay rights when he should have just left everyone the hell alone and shut his piehole. His support and backing of a grifter lobbyist son. His lack of support for ending the filibuster, which just enables the GOP to hold the government hostage every few months. His lack of support for expanding the supreme court. His tired embrace of the worst of the GOP members. His outrageous increasing of police funding in response to Defund&Reallocate. His backstabbing Obama on negotiations he should have kept out of. His consistent lack of support for health care reform and a public option. His utter shafting of Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas confirmation trials, which should have been a layup for anyone competent, which gave us one of the worst Supreme court justices in our countrys history. In the last 50 years look at every wrong turn this country has taken, and You'll find Bidens ugly mug leading the charge. The man is always wrong about nearly everything, and he never misses a chance to make a bad deal or sell out his party. He's an idiot's idiot and he never deserved any of our support and breaks everything he touches, including our party and now the entire western world order.

"Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck everything up". --Barack Obama

Obama also urged Biden in 2016 and again in 2020 not to run.

Anyone remember this BS from our lord and savior Joe Biden?

This is the guy we're getting all sentimental about? You really think Joe Biden is the best the dems had to offer? That just tells me that many people dont actually read the news, miss their deceased grandpa and will vote for a huckster on personality vibes alone. Biden was about to lose to Donald Trump. Think about that for a minute. How bad do you have to lose the faith and support of your own party's voters to lose to a man like that. Biden could only have possibly competed against someone as bad as Trump, and Trump could only have competed with someone as bad as Biden.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

They don’t give a fuck about Palestinians. They just want to hurt Democrats.

Where did you get that fantasy take from? Got anything at all to back that up?

I can tell you how I see it. I have never, and would never vote for any republican. They are not serious people and they are to be countered, ostracized, not associated with, ridiculed. But bad dems threaten everything as well, and also might lead us to being locked in the current bad voting selections pattern we keep being fed by monied interests in our party. The dumbing down and dilluting of the party platform under milktoast idiot centrists like Biden and Harris may also effectively disolve our party. Thats worth fighting. And its worth withholding support as well, if only to try to shake the party back on some sort of track. If you dont see the logic in that, its fine. I dont need your permisison on how I will vote, or what I beleive in. No one does. Do your own thing, but maybe dont namecall people who are probably your allies and just going about it in a different way than you. Theres nothing down that road but an even worse off party than the shitshow we have going right now because of centrist incompetence.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Biden quit the race because he had no path to victory. He was 100% going to lose. The betting odds have shifted against Harris and now Trump has a 55% chance of winning. Why? Because she comes across as a cop. Because she supports a genocide. Because she cant give a beleiveable speech that makes her seem relatable. Because she stupidly brags about owning a gun. Because she has drifted right and probably will continue to, looking to get votes that dont exist while she loses the left. This is another case of the dem establishment shitting the bed, same as they always do, and losing to a clear nutcase. Why is the Democratic party engaged in supporting a far right wing war? Its for some $$$, right? So hows that truning out? Not good? THEN WHY DID SHE TAKE THE MONEY? Why is our party so stupid.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 hours ago

Thats fine. Theres only 2% of the electorate who are jewish, and a good portion of that 2% also dont support the zionist faction. We give some of them and the youth voters a voice to fight on our behalf. We need to keep the youth vote on side or the party is long term doomed anyway. Any leader who says they are swayed by the voice of youth has a long career ahead of them.

We also say that, "we arent steering the US away from support of Israel, we're steering it away from the far right government sponsored violence of Netenyahu." And we claim we're happy to be friends again when moderates or lefties are in charge in Israel. The zionists cant pretend to have clean hands, and Netenyahu needs to go.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Rude and not even original. Not interested in engaging.

Agreed fuckingkangaroos@, yeah, genocide is one thing, but anything you claim to be "rude" should not be tolerated. Tell that guy GOOD DAY, SIR. Its hard to believe anyone would act so rudely about some run-of-the-mill mass murder. I bet that guy uses his salad fork to eat his dinner too. You were right to ~~run away~~ not engage.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

Youre not alone. I'm voting uncommitted along with many others.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

Living in fear of right wing bullying is not productive. We can either cower or we can kick them in the face or ridicule them when they go low. The dems do far too much cowering the past few decades. Americans love a good snappy comeback, and so far all we have doing it is old coach Waltz.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

People liked Trumps sassy one liners too, as much as they didnt want to. And Bush's. The more brazenly stupid the better.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

The strong win and the weak cry about injustice.

Thats .. awkward. By your understanding the WW2 holocaust was ..fine and normal.

Thats how deep your morality goes huh. Wow. So you're a Nazi then?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Not yet, but soon, they'd say.

I'll throw in a few random thoughts there:

“The war will give us the land. The concepts of “ours” and “not ours” are peace concepts, only, and in war they lose their whole meaning” (Ben-Gurion, War Diary, Vol. 1, entry dated 6 February 1948. p.211)

So lets look at what will unfold in the next few months concerning Gazan land in the Israeli legal system, and in the future, Lebanese land. Once a peice of land is considered Israel, Non jews are forbidden by the torah from owning it, and jews arent allowed to sell or transfer it to non jews. They are permitted to lease it to nonjews for up to 50 years until a "jubilee" year, at which point all leases automatically terminate and the land is returned to its rightful owners regardless of other considerations. Thats for land not in a "town". If its in a town those rules do not apply. If the land has no buildings or inhabitants (which is Gaza, now) its not a town anymore and is just "land".

To add to this underdstanding of who owns 'just land', If you "find" land and improve it, with a single stepping stone even, if no one contests you after a period of 1 year, the land can be registered as yours thereafter. That is, barring any local laws which forbid such things (if say, you live in another country). But in war those laws are suspended as it is contested land. Land owners can also contest it by building an even better improvement than the interloper.

This derives from the idea that all land is actually owned by god, and Israelis are the people of god, amongst other concepts. Leviticus is chock full of land ownership rules, most of which never realy were implemented, although they are cited in disputes.

So, as we cross a year of north gaza being destroyed, religious israelis will now legally refer to all of it as unimproved land where no town sits.

As an ancillary consideration-- there are now few functioning religious sites present. This pertains to an exception about land reserved for religious purposes, and is why Palestinian graveyards were exhumed and erased, and mosques attacked. A mosque isnt a mosque if no one goes to it, and a graveyard isnt a graveyard if the bodies and markers are removed.

On the day the consideration is made the Israelis can clear out any inhabitants on it. If no one shows to the trial to contest, gaza will henceforth and forever be owned by israelis who register the land, and thus "gaza" will cease to legally exist as militarily occupied land, and will legally be considered Israel, by Israelis at least, and by people who consider these land rules to be a legitimate practice-- which surprisingly a lot of countries will do, because its customary to honor the laws of foriegn lands.

So look for that in the actions of their military in the week after the US election in November. They'll probably eventually do it in souhtern Lebanon as well, if they can make enough excuses to bomb city blocks and hold them vacant for a year. The US will back the ownership transfer and say they customarily dont get involved in internal government issues, and have no room to comment, if local laws were followed. They will tell people to take it up with the Israeli courts.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Money absolutely makes the world go round. Who do we get angry at when our politicians got bought fair and square in a capitalist system? (Progressives and the youth is the easy answer of course, but I intended this to be a rhetorical question.).

Its not even illegal to bribe/lobby them.

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