
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

yes, maybe they just lived in a too poor country and should have seen the signs and move to a civilized one way ahead instead.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

bei mir funktioniert dhl tracking regelmäßig nicht, gebe ich die tracking id ein, klicke den button oder klicke ich den Link aus der email vom versender, dann läd es oft nur ein wenig, aber ein Ergebnis kommt nicht, wo die Daten sein sollten bleibt die Seite weiss. auch nicht beim nochmal versuchen, am Netzwerk oder Endgerat liegt es auch nicht, wann das passiert scheint eher random zu sein. etwas später geht es dann oft plötzlich wieder, aber die Gesamtverfügbarkeit vom dhl tracking service liegt gefühlt bei weniger als 50%, die Konkurrenz (eigentlich alle anderen weltweit die ich erlebt habe, usa, china) ist da meiner Erfahrung nach VIEL besser, da ist die uptime eher bei 99,..% statt unter 50%

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

maybe its that cheap school (or public building) toiletpaper from ages ago that still contained ... woodchips?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 5 days ago

looks like there are missing some trees at the stairway to complete the picture...

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 week ago

looks like that company seriously suffers a huge lack of experts, maybe if you didnt get an answer, just resend your application as a word document with your salary expectation just "tripled" for ... compensation purposes. whatever company still "depends" on microsoft still has heaps extra money it can easily divert to you without any real loss, so don't waste that chance!

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago (1 children)

last christmas 😁

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

the civilisation of diego garcia people (or how the islands are named by them and how they name themselves) are forced away from their homeland 'right now', not only in the past.

hawaiian country is destroyed 'right now' by their invaders military, not only in the past.

not to mention how 'law enforcement' acts on people without that secure pale skin today in the us, which is happening 'right now', not only in the past and slavery is protected by us law 'right now', not only in the past.

Can sioux people walk their rightful land right now freely and follow their religion? ay, no they can't, some invadors don't allow that but keep captured their land 'right now', not only in the past.

it happens right now what you seem to want to see as some "history" things, so following your argumentation, the invasion of ukraine was in the past too (right? there are little changes nowadays and ukraine even got some land from russia, right?) so should we:?

  • not talk about it as the initial invasion already is history?
  • only talk about it cause its "the others" who do it?
  • ignore all wars and genocides supported by the west but claim other invaders do be the evil ones but the west to be the goodies despite all the warcrimes committed?
  • ... (your ideas here to maxbe stop maybe ALL invaders) ?

after how many years some evil act becomes "legalized by history" in your opinion? is it 20 years, 50years or 100years? you already complained about 400years to be too much, so plz tell me what you think is the time a land must be forcefully captured to 'rightfully' change ownership to the brutish invader? whatever number "the west" would say would be enough to legalize such past crimes, that would be exactly the number of years the west would in the same sentence tell russia to have to keep ukraine captive so that the status quo would be as legalized as in those countries or cities captured by the west already beeing said to be "historically legitimised" as the west seems to accept that as "rightful ownership" then. since the west seems to never give back once invaded land, it tells russia and israel to actually do the same and capture as much as they can now to "legally own"(style of "the west") it in a few decades, while israel already invaded and captured land in the (i think) northwest, they are driven by the wests real-world-definition of their so called "rightful ownership" to invade other countries now, and not only in some future.

maybe i didn't write it for people like you (how could i know u?) but for others who might want to read whole thoughts instead of only cheap and short propaganda. The evil ones always want the masses to forget at least most of what they did and "short and incomplete" is the tool of propaganda.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Right, so we all better just let the Russian regime take whatever it wants,

so they can keep land taken by force like diego garcia, hawaii, sioux nation territory* or countless others were taken by force once and the new "owner" kept and exploited these lands since then? yes, that would be awful.

*(thats also where that "monument" stands that stands as an example to remind the the world which nation will never ever stick to laws, not even to its very own ones, but instead humilitate other peoples religions like it i.e. also does in hawaii)

no! i think we really should make such countries give the taken-by-force land back to their rightful owners immediately plus a compensation that is worth that name plus whatever it takes to undo any destruction or change or poisoning with whatever chemicals done to the land under such evil invaders (thinking of the enewetak atoll right now 😢)

And maybe we should concentrate on the cultures that were completely(!) deported long ago first, to at least give their children back the land that was taken from their parents or grandparents or grandgrandparents a.s.o. so diego garcia seems to be the easiest one, the current invaders there don't need it for a living and don't even call it their "home", so just make them leave the captured land that is not theirs now. rescueing a whole civilisation and culture from evilish invaders was never easier! then of course those who's ancestors had been deported and enslaved, those need to be compensated for but that cannot be aligned in money especially not since that money happens to be printed by those who's ancestors did the deportation and enslavement and the money presses were at least indirectly build with slave labour, so other solutions need to be found that are not only accepted by those of the deported families who live today but really(!) compensate for centuries of abuse. also the debt of not yet abolishing slavery needs to be compensated for as it is at least a slap in their faces every day and this should be compensated like a slap in the face of an officer today, but for each single day per affected person living during that time since slavery was first introduced into those laws until it is completely abolished (this would only be the compennsation for not yet abolishing slavery). also those countries where those long ago enslaved had been deported from have to be compensated for all the losses including but not limited to all losses that resulted or may have resulted in development that did not happen due to that deporting and enslaving their families friends and firefighters ages ago. also all damages that happened after that deportation like robbing of resources underground their land that they could not defend any more due to that deporting like robbed diamonds, robbed gold and robbed oil and maybe lots of other robbed resources too. this compensatoon needs to be done throughoutly and complete, just to give the russians that example that the west actually "can" do something good and would stand to rightful living together and not only robbing the world until everything is gone like the west does now. if the west would stand to its so called values, a war against robbers would be a good one, but as it is right now, fighing another robber nation would just be a fight about who can rob more and stands last which is a bad thing or do you actually like that idea?

so on which robber nations side are you? you seemed to want to sound like being on the russian side, so tell me how many nations had been invaded and robbed and enslaved by russia in the last ... lets say 400 years ? (next step would be to compare that with western nations to be at least complete when determining which robbers side would be the more civilised one to know which side to stand to - which seemed to me to be your real question here)

Or else they will use nuclear bombs.

i guess giving back sioux nations land, hawaii and diego garcia to their rightful owners and start compensating the damages done to other nations would put real moral pressure on the russians, but until then, the only thing that happens when "the west" keeps bubbling about the values they don't even fight for within their own captive taken lands is that one evil side shouts at the other but using bombs instead of real actions of good.

have a nice day!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

sometimes the cat chooses you, sometimes you get choosen by the cat?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

maybe its the new standard: USB-Cat

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

i don't see natives to be hazardous to nature, only industry nation folks are, thus there must be something besides our biological nature that makes the difference from beeing integrated to becoming hazardous.. maybe its even the very same thing that tries to tell us natives would be "primitive" or such 🤷‍♂️


The big picture: Israeli officials said their increasing attacks against Hezbollah are not intended to lead to war but are an attempt to reach "de-escalation through escalation."


[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

maybe try to find a linux user group near where you live. if there is one, usually you get help there, but its usually kinda different sort of help, you don't get "the solution" to get your personal whishes come true ready prepared in bite-sized piezes for easy consumption but just the help by advices or suggestions that those there can give you or directly would try out.

open source is about sharing knowledge and todays mainstream OS distributions are way more complicated than long ago so the learning curve to adjust things in ways the distribution didn't prepare (which is often a lot) might be high but always worth a try at least for the learning.

for a lightweight desktop environment that is somehow similar to the old windows98, i'ld say give XFCE a try. i think on debian/ubuntu trying out could be as easy as installing the xfce (or xfce4?) package (or maybe an xfce4-desktop-environment paclage) i don't remember the exact package name but there is one meta package that depends on all needed stuff, i did it like 4 years ago.. when installed you could try it by logging in and (your distro should have a login manager that allows this, or you'ld have to change that too) choosing xfce as desktop environment at login time, thus if you don't like it, logout again and login with the other again.

i am using xfce because it is clean, lightweight, it does its job, does not invent new unneeded features every few month (like it felt when i used kde long ago) and is adjustable enough for me. i removed the lower task bar and put the open windows components into the bar above adjustedbthat a bit, thats basically what i changed and i think it is quite similar to what win98 was (but thats not the reason for me to have it that way)

also, it is possible to change the window manager (that handles how windows are placed), the desktop manager (like task bar, application menu, maybe widges, logout buttons) and of course also one could change to wayland and back without changing the other components. the login window could come from gnome project but after login one could use a complete different projects toolset.

"can" does not mean that every distro makes that an easy task. also mixing things will likely end in a fuller disk for lots of "needed" components that are maybe mostly unused. (i think i once used gnome but installed kde only for their printing dialog *lol)

when using the big distributions it is likely that no 3rd party downloads are needed to try other window managers or desktop environments, maybe search for such keywords in aptitude , apt search, or such. but new fancy stuff also often first comes from unknown 3rd party websites (or git*.com which is the same security risk as 3rd party websites) before it gets into main repositories after years (or maybe even never)

Closest thing I found was TwisterOS. […] and the fan in my case stops working. Aye-yi-yi!

maybe "TwisterOS" tries to invent air movement by software? it might be a random unrelated incident and the fan is simply broken, it might also be that it enabled some fan control and the fan would start if you only heat up the system enough which might not happen with a lightweight distro and the maybe not cpu consuming programs you use (?). "stress" is a program that could artificially create such cpu consumption for testing (but with a broken fan it might be not a good idea to actively and unnecesarily heat up the cpu, but also cpus usually have failsafe shutdown mechanisms so they dont overheat but that might be like a sudden power down so maybe expect unsaved work to just vanish) another test could be to just give the fan another power source and see what happens, and put abother fan that works in place to see if that changes something

Looks like Ford just voted to NOT be my choice of car vendor in future.

However getting this patent could be used by Ford to prevent such systems from beeing used by all vendors, but thats veery unlikely i guess.


looks like:

  • They claimed to be a trustworthy public CA (that can handle security incidents)
  • They made commitments to be included as trustworthy in common Browsers and OS'es
  • They now willfully break those commitments to rely on 2B2F only...
  • They do not even answer valid questions for month in a process that they should have already completed within 5 days as was defined in the commitments they agreed upon.

Maybe Honest Achmed's Used Cars and Certificates should show up again once more !?

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