[-] [email protected] 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I totally pulled a LTT and removed my kernel. >_< There was a "real time" kernel listed in apt, and I installed it because I was curious if it would reduce lock latency for a project I was working on. (I wasn't trying to solve a problem, just curious) It didn't and I figured it was probably a bad idea to leave it installed. So I did an apt remove, and the rest went something like this.

Apt: Are you sure you want to remove the your kernel? Y/N

Me: Oh jeez... I don't want to do that.

Motor Memory: Y

Apt: Are you really really sure? Your computer will not boot if you do this. Y/N

Me: Oh, crap! That's not what I meant to do. Definitely not!

Motor Memory: Y

Me: No! Why would my brain betray me!?

Fortunately this was on a PopOS machine, so I booted into the recovery partition. Even if fixing it only took a minute, I still felt very very dumb. >_<

[-] [email protected] 22 points 5 months ago

I enjoy the selection bias in the comments for these sorts of posts. >_< There's a few people saying "I kinda like C", a few saying "use Python instead", and a whole lot saying "Rust is my lord and savior". Completely disjoint from the real world usage of the languages for whatever practical, pragmatic, or ideological measures they are used for.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/10638699

So I've been working part time for a few years on a sci-fi themed game called Veridian Expanse. It's a bit of a mashup of exploration, metroidvania, and crafting games where you are trapped inside of an asteroid. You can download the latest dev build from itch.io for Linux, Windows, and Raspberry Pi 4:


I've been making dev builds for a while, but I'm starting to get more serious about getting feedback. Also... as a solo dev I have no idea how to tell people about my game, so I'm starting in cozy places like Lemmy and Mastodon. :) Anyway, if people want to give it a go and let me know what you think I'd be super grateful. :D

More links:

Fun Fact: The game's source is GPLed! I'm guessing 99% of people don't care, but I don't see any downsides of doing this when I don't plan to use DRM anyway. I can't imagine it will hurt sales. On the other hand, maybe someone will use it to play the game on OpenBSD, Haiku, or some OS that doesn't exist yet.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I've been working part time for a few years on a sci-fi themed game called Veridian Expanse. It's a bit of a mashup of exploration, metroidvania, and crafting games where you are trapped inside of an asteroid. You can download the latest dev build from itch.io for Windows, Linux, and Raspberry Pi 4:


I've been making dev builds for a while, but I'm starting to get more serious about getting feedback. Also... as a solo dev I have no idea how to tell people about my game, so I'm starting in cozy places like Lemmy and Mastodon. :) Anyway, if people want to give it a go and let me know what you think I'd be super grateful. :D

More links:

Fun Fact: The game's source is GPLed! I'm guessing 99% of people don't care, but I don't see any downsides of doing this when I don't plan to use DRM anyway. I can't imagine it will hurt sales. On the other hand, maybe someone will use it to play the game on OpenBSD, Haiku, or some OS that doesn't exist yet.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I've been using Wayland daily for a few years (2020 at least?) on intel and AMD graphics and have had few complaints:

  1. Some games didn't work right a few years ago. (Under Proton or otherwise. Haven't had issues for a while)
  2. RenderDoc, a vital bit of graphics debugging software, works poorly on Wayland. (Easy fix is to force X11 for QT via QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb)
  3. Had some issues with mixed integrated/NVidia graphics on a laptop I was using for a demo once.
  4. Covering or otherwise hiding a Wayland window blocks a program's graphics thread. This is sometimes problematic.
  5. VR development had issues a while ago? (This was for work. It just... stopped working at some point. Dunno if it was a Linux, SteamVR, or Unity3D issue. My work machine mostly runs Windows 10 now as a result. Oh well.)
  6. Screen recording didn't work well a while ago... (continued)

Overall, it's just worked great though!

My anti-complaints:

  1. Mixed refresh rates on monitors "just works" now. (I have a 1080@144 for gaming, and a 4k@60 for work)
  2. Video frames don't have half drawn content. (ex: when resizing windows), except on XWayland stuff
  3. Video tearing has basically disappeared.
  4. Video timing issues seem to be improved.
  5. Input handling for keyboard layouts has improved.
  6. Screen recording in Wayland is way better than it ever was on X11 now. I do this a lot to share gamedev stuff I'm working on.
[-] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago

People keep saying this, but X forwarding seems to work just fine with XWayland. I just tried a handfull of X programs between my machines, and neither are running X11. I don't use it everyday to know the gotchas, but there you go. Programs that use shared memory pixel buffers (everything that isn't xeyes realistically) even run better than I remember now that I have gigabit. >_< It's still a way worse experience than VNC or RDP though.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 8 months ago

Wayland is great! Except for all list of not-a-bugs that I'd like to see fixed. Still, I'm not going back to X, so take that how you will.

What are the not-a-bugs? Things like covering up a Wayland window will block it's rendering thread indefinitely with no way to detect it happens to handle it. This can lock up some games, or cause you to time out in a networked application. Some Wayland core folks don't want applications to know if their window is visible or not because it's mild information about a user's attention that should be private. Every game dev on the other hand is asking "WTF!?" as it causes their games to break randomly.

Another mild example is that windows cannot be raised except by the user or by launching them. This is supposed to be a mild security precaution so a program can't pop up a legitimate looking dialog over another application and trick the user. Realistically it means that applications can't open and focus URL in your web or file browser. Instead they have to give you a notification telling you "Firefox is Ready" and make you do it manually.

A lot of this is slowly (painfully?) changing, and the adversarial nature is a bit frustrating. Wayland fixes so many little things that I find it well worth it though, and I say that as a game developer frustrated by many of the core design decisions.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

I really like plain "boring" vanilla Gnome. It's straightforward, I like it's workflow, it does everything I need it too, and looks nice too. I'm not a fan of "power user" UIs as I feel like they have too many features I'll never use filling them up. You can always get more programs to do more things anyway. Like I use compilers and disassemblers all the time, but I'm not upset that Gnome doesn't ship with those features built in when I'm in some weird 1% of users that need them. On the other hand, I think KDE is important to the ecosystem too, and I donate $100 a year to both the Gnome and KDE projects.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 10 months ago

I've been using it for a few years now, and it fixes a lot of little issues I have with X11, and at this point brings very few of its own. ALTHOUGH, I don't have any Nvidia GPUs, and people seem to think it works for crap on them. I keep hearing "Ah, this will finally fix it!", but I don't know what the actual status is. You have the hardware you have, so unless you are going to buy something different to try Wayland... eh... I guess it never hurts to try. It's pretty trivial to toggle on and off.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

There are a few directory structures I have memorized, like my programming projects for instance. For everything else, I use the GUI. That's what it's there for. Mixing and match to get the best of both worlds. Some handy tips:

  • xdg-open will act like clicking on a file in the GUI, and is an easy way to open folders from the terminal when you want to browse them.
  • Use sshfs or even just whatever is built into your desktop environment to connect to remote servers and browse them
  • Most terminals let you drag files or folders into them to paste their paths
[-] [email protected] 11 points 10 months ago

RC stuff, but only kinda? My dad got me into micro helicopters about a decade ago. I now have several dozen planes, drones, helis, etc. Not to mention multiple RC radios, batteries, chargers, and FPV goggles. Absolutely love it, though. To be fair, it's been a few thousand dollars over a decade. It ads up sure... but quite a bit less than I spend on video games, and more satisfying. :)

[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

Hmmm. So I think I posted on Reddit maybe a half dozen times ever? I didn't get the appeal. It kinda felt like shouting into a thunderstorm... I'm not sure I "get" Lemmy either, though it feels more like talking in a crowded room than everyone shouting at a cloud. :p More seriously though, I've had a few interesting conversations here, but miss the feel of forums of the 2000's where people just talked about stuff that they were making. Lemmy feels like everyone is striking up a conversation, but still trying to be careful about talking about their own interests because that's "self promotion". :-\ I dunno, maybe I'm looking for something that just doesn't exist anymore.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I bought a System76 Lemur a few years ago. It has a pretty standard ultra-book form factor, but is pretty light, and the battery life was phenomonal. I regularly got 20+ hours on a single charge when doing light development work. The IPS screen was good, the trackpad was nice, the keyboard was ok, and the speakers are... well, completely terrible. I never really had any software issues on it running Pop. Maybe it would get stuck coming out of suspend every few months or so? I liked it a lot as an upgrade from my 2013 MacBook Air.


Support was pretty awful, and I'm not sure I'd recommend getting one because of it unfortunately. :( Out of the box, the ctrl key was bad and would unclip with a nasty "crunch" noise. I had to send it in to get that fixed, though it was pretty painless. Then a few months later the wifi card died, and I had to send it in again. There was a lot of back and forth to get it fixed that time. Then as it was about to got out of warranty it died again. This time was like pulling teeth. I had to triple check things and send them logs multiple times, each time with a turnaround of several days. It took weeks for them to finally say "sounds like a hardware issue, what would you like us to do?". I was flabergasted. It was still in warranty, why would you even ask that?! I spent several weeks trying to convince them my in warranty device needed repairs and they wanted to know if I wanted it fixed?! It took 6 weeks in total to get it fixed, and it turned out that it was a bad connector on the motherboard causing the issues the whole time. When I got it back it was missing a couple screws and the power supply. They basically called me a liar. -_- A couple weeks ago it died completely and won't power on anymore. I chatted with support again, but they just started giving me the same run-around. I gave up.

I pre-ordered an AMD Framework back in March. Now I'm kinda grumpy because I have no laptop and I bought one that might not ship for another month or two. I wasn't too worried if the AMD Framework had some early adopter issues as the Lemur still worked when I put in the pre-order. Grrr. -_- My old 2013 MacBook Air is still in pristine condition though... Considering just putting Linux on that to use for a few months.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago

Absolutely love it! I've donated hundreds of dollars to the Gnome foundation.

I like that practically all of the OS functionality is behind either super+seach or the quick settings menu. I love how powerful the overview is, and all hidden behind a single key press. I like that asking "Is X possible?" is immediately answerable, and 95% of the time it's right in the first place I think to look. I like the trackpad gestures and workspaces on my laptop where I don't have multiple large screens. I like that it has very little need for system tray icons which are clunky, inconsistent, and ugly. (Ex: Discord can only be quit from it's tray icon... -_-)

I'm not a DE power user apparently, but I'm certainly not the mythical "lowest common denominator" that Gnome supposedly caters to either. I do a lot of programming in C/asm/, and write plenty of code involving lots of esoteric math. I don't have much use for Python for instance, but I don't think it's "dumbed down" either. :p

KDE (and Windows to a similar extent) always has way too much "stuff" it wants to show you, 90% of it I'll never use. Every window toolbar is chock full of icons, and so many actions trigger popups, notifications, or dialogs that have little purpose. It's all terribly distracting and annoying. Still, I've donated hundreds of dollars to KDE foundation as well since it's an important part of the Linux ecosystem. I don't use it, but that doesn't mean I hate it, and I see no reason why it shouldn't flourish too. Open Source is not a competition.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is an interactive blog post I wrote a few months ago about how to do fancy water simulations using FFTs. It doesn't assume any Fourier Transform or complex number knowledge. Even if you aren't interested in simulations, have a play with the widgets and learn a thing or two about waves. :)

Veridian Expanse: Looking for play testers! (howlingmoonsoftware.itch.io)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I've been making an game for a while now and am looking for a new round of playtesters! In a nutshell, it's an exploration/crafting game with twin-stick shooter controls set inside of an asteroid. So lots of space bugs of shoot, harvest, upgrade, repeat. The game is still missing a lot of content, but the first hour or so is pretty playable now. I keep rewriting the story bits, and most of that is currently ripped out so it might be a bit dry at the moment...

Anyway, I'm currently looking for feedback on the game's intro and early flow:

  1. Did the tutorial make sense?
  2. Is the pacing in the initial "dirt" biome ok? (Though there isn't a lot of unique items to craft right now...)
  3. Feedback on the controls: I've iterated on the "grabbing" mechanic multiple times. I really like gimmicky 1:1 physical controls like that, but some people hate them. I've tried to balance that out with a quick-grab key.
  4. Any crashes or other issues?

It's built against the Steam Scout SDK, and should run on pretty much any distro with a new enough SDL I think? Windows binary too for those currently on their work machines or somesuch. ;) There is a workinig Mac version too, but I haven't figure out how to automate that so it tends to get built rarely. There's also a Raspberry Pi 4 version in the download! Though you'll need to compile a newer version of Mesa than they currently have in apt. Otherwise it will run, but not at 60 fps. D: Sounds like Mesa might be updated in the next OS update though?

More links! | Itch.io | Steam | Code | Discord | Blog

Selling a game while making it open source. (howlingmoonsoftware.itch.io)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I've been working on a crafting/exploration game for a while called Veridian Expanse. (I guess the details don't really matter, so I won't go into that, but check the links at the end if you're interested) I have some unresolved feelings about making the game open source, and how/why to do it.

  1. The last game we released on Steam was up on pirate sites within hours, and showed up fairly high (second page maybe?) of a simple search result of the game's name. It sold "well enough", and since it was a pretty small game so we suspect that there probably wasn't any "rampant piracy". Certainly not enough to bother to reduce it anyway. We didn't even bother to implement the (trivial to break) Steam DRM.

  2. From a sales point of view, I don't think the source code is valuable. Nobody wants to pirate the source for some random game, they want the binary that's already been made for them. Also, I've written some blog articles about how some of the game's threading, hot-loading, rendering, and soft shadowing works. At some point when people started asking questions, I would just send them the code because "why not?" Eventually I just mirrored it on Github without the assets.

  3. The assets... While I have rights to all the data and graphical assets, the sounds and music are all royalty free items that I've purchased. Even if I wanted to release them, I can't. I'm not sure I want to either.

  4. I use Linux to develop the game, but I know most of my sales will come from Windows or console versions. In a way I don't care about the Linux market financially and have been considering just publishing it on Flathub because "why not?" It also runs pretty well on the Pi 4, and I even automated the build for it because "why not?" I certainly don't hate the idea that people might like the game and tell their friends to buy it on other platforms. :p

My current thought is that I should just OSS the code, but leave the assets as proprietary. If someone really wants to pirate the game, there will be some easy way to do that a few search terms away. Even if I give away a Flathub or RPi version it's not going to change the difficulty for someone that wants a Windows version for free. On ther other hand, maybe someone will find something useful in the code or get it running on *BSD or Haiku or something. (It already compiles/runs fine on them, but I don't really want to spend time maintaining those builds)

There's certainly plenty of games with open sourced engines (like the Id games), but closed data. Then there's a few like Mindustry or 0AD that seem to be trying both, but are there other example of games that people can think of for comparison?

Some further Veridian Expanse links if you want to figure out what the heck I'm even talking about:

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