I don't know what happens to the wings of that specific aircraft when they collide with that specific building under those specific conditions at 460 knots. That's a question for an expert on the subject, not random people on the internet.
Yes, you are a nobody when it comes to investigating plane crashes based off images and video of the wreckage. Saving footage doesn't make you an expert somehow.
Countless incorrect things were announced. Everyone was collectively panicking. That's odd, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything considering the building was already visibly damaged.
I don't think the surface level observations of someone who has no clue what they're talking about overrides actual evidence.
The strip is designed for that as well
Believe me, I am very aware of how many motorcyclists drive recklessly. My point is that we do not have enough information to really determine anything. I'm not going to just assume that based on what I've seen some other people do, especially when I have absolutely nothing to gain by doing so.
That's a massive and unnecessary assumption. We have no real information, so let's not act like we do.
If pitbulls are a race then I guess I condone racism now.
I hadn't heard about any of this until now so I looked it up and I'm still pretty confused. Were people seriously harassing the dev just because of problems with the emulator? That's the only reasoning I can find and I don't understand how anyone can care that much about something so inconsequential.
I'm not aware of the supression of neurotransmission directly resulting in depression. I know alcohol does worsen depression, but I don't think that's a result of it being a depressant.
Here's an article that seems to agree with me.
The boundaries of what is considered ADHD are arbitrary. You don't have what is generally considered to be ADHD (at least according to your therapist), but that doesn't really mean anything. Brains are complicated and they don't always work how naming conventions want them to.
You are experiencing ADHD symptoms to a point where it is materially impacting your ability to live your life normally. That, at least to me, is a disorder.
Any method of managing ADHD symptoms will probably help you. Of course without a diagnosis you won't have access to ADHD medication, although its very possible that wouldn't be the solution you're looking for in the first place.
Here's an alternative title that's a little more positive: "I don't have diagnosed ADHD, science simply hasn't caught up to my brain yet."
I don't care who he is, if he was just running for his life in a mass shooting then leave him the fuck alone. At least give him a little grace period before you start weaponizing his traumatic experience to push your beliefs.