That's actually much better than he looked in real life.
Somebody else can pull out the statistics but in my mind Bird was the best three point shooter that ever was.
Well, there are a brazillion of them.
Until now I wasn't aware that giant armadillos were a thing I really wish existed.
I think he had built so many bridges with so many people in his community and in politics that no one wanted to be the one that turned against him.
Jim Jones is such a fascinating character because of how much good he did. He fought for social justice, championed racial equality and tried to help the poor. He was beloved by his community and civic leaders. But...behind the curtain he was an abusive megalomaniac that led hundreds of people to their death.
Remote Control was probably the first program not about music (I remember LL Cool J quipping that they didn't have questions about the radio) but I think it was still in the spirit of the youth culture and edginess of early MTV. But, yeah, it likely marks the time at which the execs decided they had to "innovate" new programming that strayed from the format that made people watch MTV in the first place.
That said, I don't think they knew the monster they were unleashing when they created The Real World.
I... I can't even figure what's wrong with it even though I know it's so very, very wrong. My brain hurts.
This exists in a few places in the US under the term "rent stabilization" but it is not tied to interest rates or inflation and exactly who qualifies gets a little murky. Considering that housing is a basic human necessity I think some form of rent stabilization should exist everywhere. Market forces have their place but they are often disadvantageous to lower incomes and should be curtailed when we're talking something that people can't do without.
Well, if anybody is an expert on poisoned kid's drinks it's Jim Jones.
Blue is good but purple is where it's at.