We're all equally airsick
Both. Both are good.
You never know, he just might
Considering Zelenskyy said out loud that Trump lives in a disinformation bubble, it's a safe bet that he's aware.
I will take my thrashing with humility
Listen, it had higher stats
"The originator" associates in my mind with Chaos from the Hades games more than with Abrahamic God, which is arguably cooler.
Cap'n Kaladin
So... let's appease the aggressor, yeah? By that logic, every war ever should have ended instantly by the defending side surrendering.
Yes, I'm "blaming the guy who started it" because he's also the guy who can end it. Putin can literally end the war with one order. But he will not, because he's not looking for a peace deal. He's looking for annihilation, and that has been the case since before 2022.
Your victim blaming logic must have required some astonishing mental gymnastics to pull through. It must be quite comforting to live in the world where you can stop wars by just asking the people who are launching missiles at your cities to pretty please stop.
By that logic, characters' clothing or shot background are ways to tell you how you should feel. Good soundtrack is a part of the media, not a forced reaction.