Feel free to!
You make good points. I should know better and I apologize. I suppose I needed a reality check.
Oh, I actually didn't know about the snake thing.TIL
Ah, that's understandable. From what I've heard about US "libertarians", it's definitely nothing to be proud of.
russia is at like 4.5/5
Clearly you're a half-giant
Do you perchance live in the US? In other parts of the world libertarianism is a normal political ideology that opposed authoritarianism.
Being in a position of power does not magically grant a person mental stability
Notice how you're the only one bringing up racism
That's the remnants of Soviet lawkeeping. Everyone stays for the meat grinder!
I'd rather help my country by doing my job and paying taxes that can be used to finance the army. And so that's what I'm doing (with a few donations here and there).
We could name it wizardposting or something