If he “comes in swinging” before the election he will seriously damage the Democrats chances. Most voters won’t be able to stomach Biden acting like a dictator, even if it’s in the best interest of the republic. His best course is to use every legal mean at his disposal to push for this, and only break out the hammer after Harris is voted in. While I’m skeptical he will do that, it’s worth giving the benefit of the doubt right now.
I imagine it will be the seat itself is reappointed on a fixed schedule, that would function most similarly to the Presidency or Congress. The replacement be more or less an “acting” Justice to finish the term.
I think the hardest part will be enforcing a law like this without also having the numbers to impeach Justices (or pack the court). Otherwise I could see the current court finding some way to rule any kind of reform as being unconstitutional and ignoring it.
I’m curious to see how they plan to transition to that system. Force one of the current Justices out every two years? If so, which one? Or do they plan on just starting fresh? Then who gets ousted in two years? To be clear, I fully support this plan, I’m just curious how the transition will go if/when this passes.
It needs 2/3 of both houses to be proposed by Congress, but Congress has no power over ratification. The end of Article V is simply saying that Congress may propose one of the modes of ratification (by state legislatures or convention), not that Congress can unilaterally ratify an amendment.
It might not be to the point of permanent damage, but you certainly wouldn’t be feeling good. You probably wouldn’t be iron deficient, but a lot of vitamins are only stored in small amounts in the body.
It even pretty closely copies the logo.
That’s the tricky part about conservatism. If their values never change, they are eventually left behind by progress and they become reactionaries. Unfortunately, people just keep accepting their use of the label “conservative” when it stopped fitting them decades ago, which is a convenient cover for the more reprehensible ones.
I’m the same way, if I don’t talk out loud or write my ideas down I can’t think straight. Without an inner monologue my thoughts just feel like a jumbled abstract soup I have to manually untangle by speaking. I also get songs stuck in my head, but I’ve always explained it as feeling a particular part of the rhythm, or almost feeling the lyrics in my mouth like I’m speaking them.
Definitely patent trolls. They don’t use the patents at all and they have a bunch of lawsuits ongoing against other game developers.
It’s because there’s very little they truly believe in, so when they see people on the left have actual convictions they assume they’re liars just like themselves.
Most digital animation done by hand isn’t done in the stop motion/frame-by-frame way, It’s done with key frames that are interpolated between. That’s not to say it isn’t still super time consuming (especially when done well).