Hell yeah! I wondered when it would start. Anyone know what time the other subreddits are going dark?
Curious about this as well 🤔
With third party clients gone, if I stay on Reddit I will be subject to their awful UI and ad experience, plus the experience designed to keep me scrolling for days. No thanks!
Lemmy seems pretty cool so far. I like that when I open the comment section, there isn't already three or four people saying what I was going to say
Welcome to the Debian family :)
I think my next laptop will be one preloaded with coreboot or libreboot, been eyeing something from the system76 lineup. Until then I'm stuck with this MSI gaming laptop lol
Hey, thanks for the great response!
I was wondering why all the supported hardware were thinkpads from yesteryear. That makes sense about IME too. My laptop is definitely too modern then, unfortunately.
I got a question. How likely am I to brick my laptop by flashing libreboot if it's not on the supported hardware list?
I'm a software guy, so I don't fully know the dangers of messing with firmware lol
This was such a good read. Makes me want to get into application security auditing.
If only it was easier to find things like this, but sadly most companies aren't this scummy/incompetent xD
Yeah it's pretty slick
Great resources, thanks!
Adding to this, journalctl -fu service
will jump to the bottom of the log and effectively tail -F
the log so any new output will be appended to your terminal
Awesome! I like that it updates live