[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 month ago

Every base has ten, but it's made of two digits

Binary 0, 1, 10 Ternary 0, 1, 2, 10 ... Decimal 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Hex 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10

Each has the right count of digits for its base before you go two-digit - binary has two (0, 1), etc

[-] [email protected] 20 points 5 months ago

The Y axis is logarithmic, that straightens exponential curves

[-] [email protected] 19 points 5 months ago

And people from a different culture than the people who trained the AI

[-] [email protected] 20 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I had one of the flight tracker apps, used it to identify planes passing my work lunch room's window, and paid $5 for it to get it ad free. Then it went to subscription and made it's free tier time limited instead of ad supported, so now I don't use it. I can't use an old version as it doesn't work on newer versions of Android

Edit to add: It's worth learning how to side load apps. While on a driving holiday in Sicily I was told that it was vital to have the ZTL app so I could know what areas were closed to cars (zero traffic limit), but it was only available on the Italian play store, so I had to download the APK and install it that way

[-] [email protected] 21 points 6 months ago

And because the roads are not designed to keep traffic at safe speeds, and don't separate traffic from pedestrians and cyclists sufficiently, when those morons do something moronic they kill someone

Infrastructure can fix a lot of this problem - Australia is like mini-America in so many ways, but we allow speed cameras and red light cameras which reduce speeding marvelously, though I have been tailgated by someone offended I was only going 80km/h* in the 80 zone. They passed me illegally and unsafely

Even the fixed cameras do good work, even when everyone knows where they are as it's hard to speed right after them as slow cars move into the fast lane to pass glacial traffic

I point at the bike I ride as a reason cars give me space, it's a carbon fibre recumbent. Since it looks odd, people see it. But the bike lane is protected by paint on the route I mostly ride, and one driver was so busy looking at my odd bike that they went out of their lane into the bike lane. Luckily there was no cyclist just that distance in front of me - that's a pretty regular person, driving mostly safely, but screwing up. If the bike lane was protected by a kerb the car would've been deflected.

*I calibrate my speedometer to GPS speed, so it's accurate

[-] [email protected] 19 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The biggest polluters are

  1. Transport 28%
  2. Electricity 25%
  3. Industry 23%
  4. Commercial & residential 13%
  5. Agriculture 10%

Agriculture (fertiliser, wild rodents, diesel, animals, rotting plants, not including plants wasted by consumers) is only 10%

We're making the best inroads into electricity. It is clearly possible and economical to convert all electrical grids to carbon neutral technology

We're starting to convert residential and commercial to entirely electric (except for the carbon and methane emissions from humans and pets, especially ones that eat beans) so that 13% is solvable

So at the moment 38% of greenhouse gases are easy, just needing political will

Another 23% is harder, industry needs some inventions, especially a green steel making process, and a green concrete making process. Both are years away and probably possible

Transport is hard. 6% is personal transport. That's easy to electrify. Trucking is harder, planes are harder still. I don't know how feasible wind power is for shipping, at least the trade winds blow the right way for Asia to America

The best bet for transport was a green liquid fuel, but the company trying to grow diesel from bacteria folded several years ago.

We are never going to decarbonise agriculture by abandoning any part of it. We can do a bit by practicing permaculture - that keeps more carbon in the ground; we can clean up animal agriculture by not feeding cattle human food, let them eat grass, and there is promising technology for reducing their (and other ruminants') methane emissions by feeding them seaweed

If we waved a wand and removed all farm animals from the world it wouldn't make a dent in carbon emissions or methane, cows would be replaced by deer which also make methane in exactly the same way cows do, but with no one feeding them seaweed

Uneaten grass would rot and be turned into methane (it's the same bacteria that work in cow and deer guts to break down grass). No one's treating rotting grass with seaweed.

Our best bet is to keep the marginal lands occupied by cattle and regulating people running cattle, requiring them to minimise their animals' emissions, or offset them

*Edited to fix typos

[-] [email protected] 23 points 6 months ago

It may well have been that his crime was acting like he knew how to do it while being 8. I had old people like that around when I was a kid. And I was a very respectful kid

[-] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago

This is good for all of us, as California is big enough that what companies do for them they do for all

[-] [email protected] 19 points 11 months ago

Guns don't cause suicide, but they make it much easier to successfully complete suicide

Handguns especially

But I doubt an increase in suicides this year from last year has anything to do with gun ownership rates

[-] [email protected] 20 points 11 months ago

I cleared year 12 in 1995 and I could have called myself trans, except there was no such word. I was just a boy who wanted long hair and girls clothes and toys. One of my happiest early memories was when the guy at the holiday spot lolly kiosk addressed me and my sister as girls

If the word existed, I wouldn't have used it since I was bullied for my accent, my height, my name. I knew from an early age that you couldn't be different

I wasn't expelled when I punched a bully in the mouth in 3rd grade primary school. I was told it was wrong, but it worked, I wasn't bullied any more in the last 3 years at that school

I wasn't expelled (or punished at all) from high school when I threw the desk at a bully in year 10, and that also stopped the bullying for the two remaining years there

By the time I heard the word trans I was very much shaped and socialised to my assigned gender.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm fat by nature (and environment) so I have examined and tried many diets, and I think I can only say for sure a few thing about healthiness of diets:

  • if you eat carbs, fats beyond what is necessary to eat, are unhealthy
  • If you don't eat carbs you need to eat fats, some fats are better than others
  • If you don't eat carbs and you don't eat fats you starve - to thin then to death
  • Sugar is unhealthy and wrecks your teeth
  • Highly processed foods are not healthy
[-] [email protected] 20 points 11 months ago

So far communism had only been tried in small groups (where tribal dynamics make it work) and in Soviet and Chinese authoritarian regimes

Communism ≠ command economy

Communism ≠ authoritarianism

Communism = a broad selection of idiologies more or less agreeing with the idea "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need"

Several countries have such strong socialist policies in place that they could reasonably be called communist if we didn't pretend that capitalism was opposite to and incompatible with communism. Capitalism is an excellent technology for extracting from each according to their ability.

"Full communism" where you strive for perfect equality is probably less bad than "full capitalism" where you strive for full freedom of capital. Enough capitalism that you have the incentives it supplies and enough communism that those who won't or can't work are paid enough to live healthily and be in a position to seek work if they wish to, seems to be a good and reasonable position.

I'll answer the other part for the parent comment too

If they fail to fit in to normal culture at work and are so unsuccessful at working, communism gives them a safety net.

  • They could have taken a risk and selected a job they expect to enjoy rather than one that will accept them if there's a safety net
  • they could have selected a job they might enjoy rather than one calculated to pay enough to save for gender reassignment surgery if the state would pay for the surgery
  • they could have had the surgery earlier (which makes it better) if the state paid for it
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