My apology on this matter is scheduled for the same press conference where Japan apologizes for what Imperial Japan did.
Should probably just start investigating him for fraud now tbh.
You know you gotta post the recipe when you say that…
Idk what you mean. That game clearly didnt have any bugs. Anything that you think might be a bug is a feature.
ET for the Atari walked so that Superman 64 could run. Never forget.
“Hey Liara…
We’ll bang, ok?”
I would play it safe and wait for notes if spoilers for EW and its post campaign content are a big concern and want to be completely blind. Doubt they intend to spoil, but wouldnt be uncommon to hear something like “And since the release of EW 7.5 million people have made it to ‘Location X’ and taken on ‘Bad Guy’ in combat with the help of allies ‘X,Y, and Z’”.
The argument can at the very best be very loosely made about the early NAZI party before the Night of the Long Knives. There were some incredibly loose planks in the platform up to that point that could be described as progressive/socialist. Not that any of the leaders with the possible exception of Röhm actually believed it. It was just a tactic of throwing out anything that would garner support to the movement. In this case to bolster interest among poor workers that would have been more inclined to side with the parties on the left.
Any plans to do College Gameday/Big Noon thread(s)?
Also, id love to copy the cookbook/game day recipe threads!
So for those keeping score at hime that is about ~1% of the 6 billion dollars he just made for selling the team.
Psh. Like im gonna trust what the Walking Dude says. /s
Tangental but somewhat related, one of the most popular modern fantasy authors (Brandon Sanderson) recently did something similar where he released/is releasing 4 books this year funded via Kickstarter due to not wanting to work with Amazon.
It actually currently holds the record for highest funded Kickstarter project ever. Granted, it helps if you are an established and popular author already, but id be curious to see if this trend expands.