Let them poison AI with bad grammar.
Remastered Hunter never sat right with me. It was a little more believable that the original PS1 Hunter would be the kind of cat that would withold orbs from you, that they already had (which would be used to save the worlds), just because they wanted to play a game.
Tell Mastodon I said hi back!
Then again, I could care less. It would be fun to also get a good multiplayer but I guess I have no real hope for that.
If there is a large, well made single player campaign then I couldn't care less about whether the multiplayer is pay to win. The last one was really fun, and I hope this upcoming one is the same.
For the record, they still claim that they do not sell user information nor data.
It seems like a great game for those with the time and dedication to learn it.
I'm not one of those people. This game takes a lot from DOTA and will demand an extensive knowledge of the map, characters, builds, and items to start to get good at it, and I just don't care to spend the time to learn it all.
I know nobody asked, but I really wish more MOBAs like HOTS did well. I love HOTS for how approachable it was in comparison to the others. I'm at the point where if I play a moba and there's an item shop: I'm out. In every case I've seen an item shop the optimal usage of it is to build your characters stats to counter your expected build of the other team's build - and that is a LOT of added complexity I just don't want to deal with, especially because it requires so much knowledge and people with more time than you will flame you if you don't know it.
Sonics should be a 50%. One of the playable characters isn't even a Sonic!
I just want to provide a contrasting opinion to the other response here. I and a few of my friends have tried it and we just aren't ready to dedicate way too much time to learning a game that seems to want to be almost as complex as DOTA2. So many characters, map mechanics, and item builds to adapt to the situation (this one in particular) - its just too much. Like, pick two and maybe I'd find it worth my time to start learning, but the complexity of all 3 make the game too daunting.
I would feel inclined to vote for anyone who has maintained a Chao garden for this long. Surely they can't be all that bad.
Oh, we have economies of scale. Excellent. We just need to fund one person to violate the rule a LOT.
Why? I don't know.
Just be happy, problems solved. No need to thank me.