Thanks ChatGPT
Love to ship every icon in 1080p and a JITing Javascript VM that runs on top of a JITIng Java VM and also the code to collect all this data and the APIs of thirty ad networks to send it to. Also a complete reimplementation of buttons, can't be caught dead using the buttons the system provides.
Honestly just traveling will do this sometimes. Brain is all "we can't poop here, what happened to home"
It was quite hard for the roflcopter pilots to take off and land while their base was under a tack.
Degaussing was fun, but gaussing in the first place was where it was at. Nowdays you can wave magnets at your PC all day and nothing interesting or destructive will happen.
You see?
This antique roflcopter was a high quality piece of military hardware in its day. Each roflcopter rolling off the assembly line during Meme War II cost over nine thousand dollars, which was a lot back then.
Deep Zuck lore.
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