I am sorry on behalf of the other SJWs.
joined 2 years ago
Gotta be worth at lest ten credits.
{"msg":"Error in store"}
So the shopkeepers did it
Just feed the hungry kid already jeeze.
Also someone destroy that job.
It's dead simple.
That'll stop her for sure!
Why does Lord Inglip just want to know which picture is a bus now?
Did she ever get good at music?
Sometimes you need permissions for weird stuff, because the weird stuff provides a backdoor way to do the thing the permission is meant to stop you doing. Want to let the user switch sound to and from their Bluetooth headsets? Better get the "Location" permission, because you can leverage the Bluetooth API to talk to positional beacons that could tell you where the user is!
Sorry it was all in Bed Bath and Beyond coupons.