
joined 2 years ago
[–] planish 1 points 1 year ago

which allows others to see your profile after you like them even if they don’t have a gold or silver membership,

How the hell do they expect their app to actually work at all if that isn't built in????

"Hello yes I have a dating app, it will help you find people to date. The way it works is, if you say you like someone, then they can't read about you. This will enable you to get dates with all the hottest precognitive telepaths who magically already know about you."

[–] planish 25 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately as far as I know it is pretty standard for monkeys used to test brain interfaces to eventually get infected because of it and have to be put down.

I'm not sure whether the same problems are as common in humans; humans are much less likely to e.g. yank on the implant, especially if the reason they have an implant is to work around some kind of paralysis. And humans are allowed drugs that animals are not.

[–] planish 1 points 1 year ago

There kind of are: they're the Wyze cameras, just with custom firmware. They stand up a little web server, and you never log them in to Wyze.

[–] planish 4 points 1 year ago

I think the key is for it to be a provisional guess and not a will-be-shocked-if-it's-wrong assumption. You need to be prepared to have been wrong.

[–] planish 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

"Excuse me ma'am, please keep doing your cool dance move, I just gotta check something reeeeal quick..."

[–] planish -1 points 1 year ago

Because it makes it seem like you are thinking of the people involved first and foremost as objects of biological study, and that you are the kind of person to whom that sort of thinking comes most naturally.

[–] planish 48 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Dude, what the fuck. Fat people walk dogs.

Please try to cultivate one one thousandth of the love for your fellow humans that those people have for that dog.

[–] planish 2 points 1 year ago

I think it's usually because someone asked for it, or the maintainers thought it would be wanted. Or to pad out the games section of the repos.

[–] planish 3 points 1 year ago

People will sometimes introduce themselves with pronouns, or sometimes wear little badges with them.

There are definitely people IRL who don't use the pronouns one might guess by looking at them. I haven't met many (any?) people who go by neopronouns, but they are around the Internet.

You can often just guess pronouns for people, but if you can't read the gender someone is presenting (is your new friend rocking a kilt, sports bra, and enormous beard?) it might be polite to ask, and/or to use "they" until you get the right one.

You don't have to want people to call you he/him just because you are a man. But he/him is overwhelmingly popular with men, so it's a fine choice.

If there is a field for pronouns, and you want people to know yours instead of them having to guess, you should put yours in there. The other reason to put pronouns in, even if people are likely to guess right, is to exercise the field for the people who often get guessed wrong.

[–] planish 3 points 1 year ago


Because I cannot resist shaving a good yak.

[–] planish 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You might want to try Openstack. It is set up for running a multi-tenant cloud.

[–] planish 1 points 1 year ago

TIL China is a one-party system with English subs

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