We have a traitor in the white house that has sold his soul to one of our greatest enemies (Putin) and as you said, tried to become king as president. Let's not talk about niceties and etiquette.
This is exactly what is going on. If you read a headline that's an opinion, or has may, could, slammed or hit in the title, ignore it. It's a distraction. Trump finding the shittiest most obnoxious sounding people to lead his cabinet is also part of that strategy. He usually fires them anyway. What his former POS staff has done or said are also distractions.
I was told an old saying when I was very young that I didn't truly understand until trump came along. I was sad because someone was saying bad things.:
At least they're talking about you. If they're talking about you, you're winning.
You're only 2% behind them. It's every generation by the way that's having issues. I bet boomers and gen x are having less but similar numbers. This is a class issue, not a generational one.
According to a survey conducted by Arta, a staggering 30% of Gen Z respondents identified financial issues as their primary source of stress. Millennials, aged 28 to 43, echoed similar concerns, with 28% citing money as their biggest challenge.
The placebo effect is pretty magical in itself. You're convincing your body to heal itself and it does in a minority of people. I guess there really are wizards among us.
Please provide an archived link for famous people or politicians. You can either resubmit with the link or ping me that you updated it. See rule 6. Thanks.
At its core, it would be a matter of having a place that accepts credit cards and a place that distributes it. You would have to have a back end like Paypal or Stripe or some sort of crypto that not everyone has. Also, crypto has to have a place that accepts and distributes, so you would need some kind of exchange. This seems easy on its surface, but I think it would be difficult in the end to take it completely out of the big corporation's hands.
It gives the insurance companies all of the power to decide if you get treatment or not. That's the real issue, insurance companies shouldn't have a say. If they don't make any money, then get out of the business.
Now I want southern plumbing. It would be a funny way to start the day.
Universities have private planes to transport their basketball players? wtf?
Edit: Here's the video of the incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx-iVaFKnoc
Having a karate class in a now defunct church sounds amazing.
Aren't we going back to a Bernie Sanders thing? A socialist democracy.
The AANES has widespread support for its universal democratic, sustainable, autonomous, pluralist, equal, and feminist policies in dialogues with other parties and organizations.[
Could you explain it to me? (no sarcasm) It seems to be saying that the stock prices are way out of balance to what it's worth. Are there regulations around that?
Edit: I'm talking about the Market Cap part. I don't understand how the value can be that high compared to all of the other companies, especially China.