Oops I didn't realize where I was. I thought it was compilation of different formats of real ad that were produced for Intel... I guess you nailed theme
Wow the things you can do with a free trial to a stock video library. It's 4 minute of the same six 2 seconds gif!
I thinks the salt used for melting the ice, the high variations of temperature, the surface being wet non stop for weeks when the snow melts and the frequent snow plowing (which is a huge metal shovel that scraps the pavement) contributes a lot to the fading.
I fucking hate cars too and I agree with you they are completely inefficient. But paint on pavement in cities where the temperature is near 0°C a good part of the year is also inefficient.
Pedestrians and bicyclists still have to wait 2 lights to turn left. Streets have been adapting to cars for around 80 years and it still not working
In Canada street paint lasst ~2 years (it typically fades noticeably after the first winter) and during those 2 years it's obfuscated by snow 10% of the time.
That's a new copy pasta
Quelqu'un à des suggestions d'index écologique ou socialement bénéfique québécois centrique?
Looks like no one has any clue what's happening. I guess the drone is very high up and they don't know where the bomb came from. Also I'm assuming explosion noise are common in the battle field
It's pay walled but how would China enforce that ruling? Ban all of Intel's transactions with Chinese entity? Fines?
I liked the first smoke shape. CS2 is becoming more and more just a shiny csgo
Hmmm an hostage map, I haven't played those in years. Are they trying to bring it back?
La CAQ c'est de la marde. Ils font du populisme pour gagner les élections et ensuite ils remplissent les poches de leur amis entrepreneur au détriment du bien être collectif a long terme.