[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

+1 for Bitwarden. My Dad’s password manager actually made taking care of him in the last years of his life alot easier. I essentially had to “wind down” his life (pay bills/debts, close accounts, stop subscriptions, etc), and as his memory was going it would’ve been impossible to get that information from him. With myself too though I’ve got so many dumb accounts all over the place, having a password manager is the only thing keeping me sane half the time when having to log in to everything to pay bills and such.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 5 hours ago

I think most people who come into money probably say the same thing, but I think it probably depends on a few factors, sociability and impulsivity probably being up there. I think as your standard of living rises, it’s just going to change most people who aren’t well-grounded. Some people blow it all at once, wanting the money to change them because they weren’t happy with their life before, others change over time, but both are changed just from the experience of not having to deal with the anxiety of “survival” anymore.

When you’re not worried about making your rent/mortgage or getting all your bills paid each month, that’s just naturally going to free you up to think about other things. When barriers to life dissolve away like that, you stop having reasons to not do things what you feel like doing. “I’ve always wanted to see London/France/underpants, I should just do it,” or “I could get a nice entertainment system in the living room… and my bedroom… and the bathroom…” At some point, your standard of living is so far removed from “normal” people, that “it” has already happened, money changed you.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 5 hours ago

“Austerity” = Take money away from social programs so we can cut taxes for the rich

[-] [email protected] 6 points 15 hours ago

I’ve gotten into one of those games over the past few months for the first time and I’m still not even sure why. It’s so transparent what they’re doing, trying to milk users for money with artificially ridiculous drop rates for characters and gear, and just constant grinding to get anything. I’ve stayed F2P the whole time, but it’s kinda aggravating seeing stuff essentially locked behind a paywall. And the prices are absolutely ridiculous, I can’t imagine what kind of idiots would actually buy anything at their arbitrarily inflated rates for fake, digital crap. Yet I keep playing.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Interesting idea, but that feels like it could be dangerous, given that you wouldn’t be aware of any threats until they were in there with you. Unless there’s something about the illusion that stops others from entering after you, anybody or anything could just walk in on you. Still useful if it protects from the elements I guess or if you had somebody else keeping watch outside.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Shit, and here I’ve been getting it manually the whole. Now I know.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago

Graphic designer (vaguely aware of typography). I’d love to see what city block they walked through, because walking through a city block mostly makes me feel annoyed at the amateur typography on display. Papyrus, Brush Script MT, Curlz, Comic Sans, and Algerian, all just out there in the wild, doing whatever the fuck they’re doing.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago

How are they even still alive? Australia seems like such a dangerous place, I wouldn’t expect something like parakeets to survive long. Do they just breed like rabbits and survive through quantity?

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

This article is about a week old, I believe they’ve since tabled the tax bill that caused people to start protesting in the first place, for now at least. People are still out protesting though, I believe demanding that the President step down, so maybe more of this to come.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago

Fingers crossed

[-] [email protected] 21 points 3 days ago

Or hell, just eliminate the opposition party. They’ll do it first and we’re just going to stand idly by and let them for the sake of “moral superiority”. They’ll do it and still see themselves as saints.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 3 days ago

It's kind of insane the amount of work people will do for free, just for the hell of it. I mean, just thinking of my own small world of tabletop RPG gaming and the number of people GMing and writing up stuff that they just give out for free is kind of heartwarming. It's this weird drive to create and make storytelling worlds that other people can get lost in. I've worked on projects like that before and put shit tons of time and effort into them, not even considering that anybody might ever want to give me money for them (though likely it probably wouldn't even be legal in this case without working directly with Bethesda and getting into licensing and such). Sometimes it's just fulfilling to get lost working on a project that you love.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Whether it's a sense of superiority or just to be funny or asinine or out of a genuine need to spread the truth, people online generally try to be contrarian as often as possible because it gives them some sort of personal gratification or a sense that they're correcting something wrong in the universe.

Jean Cubed (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The Jean Genie (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/imageai

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/imageai

prompt: "generate an image of Patrick Bateman as Batman"

He Died For Us (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/imageai

Copilot: "create a picture of Marvel's Fantastic Four in Leonardo's the Last Supper painting"


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Streamer Perrikaryal uses an electroencephalogram (EEG) device to play games

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I settled on using Zotero (meant for academia, but whatever, it does what I need) for cataloguing/organizing my ttrpg pdf hoard and I'm trying to set up some top-level tags to make it a bit easier to sift through what I'm looking for. One set of tags will be genre tags (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc), with another level below that for sub-genre (cyberpunk, supernatural, low fantasy, post-apocalyptic, etc).

Another set of top-level tags will focus on the actual types of books/products one might see for an RPG. These are just all the terms I've come across before, setup in a hierarchy that makes sense to me, though sometimes terms aren't used consistently across different RPG lines. Since some products can straddle multiple genres/categories, I'm hoping tags will help make it easier to sort through everything. Does this set of categories/sub-categories make sense? I'm still at the early stages of just importing everything into a library, so I'm sure there's categories I've not thought of or considered.

  • Core Rulebook (books required to play)
    • Player Handbook (this might straddle the line between core and supplement)
  • Supplement (books that expand the rules/setting)
    • Sourcebook
    • Bestiary
    • Splatbook
    • Adventure/Scenario/Module
      • Campaign
    • Setting
  • Accessory (mostly non-book related items)
    • Cards
    • Maps
    • Fiction
    • Music/Audio
    • Screens
    • Sheets
      • Character sheet
      • Rules/Cheat sheet
      • Misc sheet
  • Resource (more for general books on RPGs, system-agnostic)
    • GM aid
    • Player aid
    • Educational
    • Tables
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been searching around for a way to organize my TTRPG collection of pdfs (numbering in the thousands to tens of thousands) and haven't really found a silver bullet for it yet. Everything I've looked at has some sort of weird thing that's off about it that doesn't seem to make it ideal. Is there something out there that others are using that works well? Here's what I've looked at so far:

  • Folder system: This is what I'm already using and it's serviceable (PC), but it really doesn't give me any tagging function and so it's hard to organize based on genre or come up with really any categories outside of just alphabetically naming folders based on the RPG name, then putting whatever subcategories I need as folders below that. It just feels so clunky going about it like this. Being able to organize/search via tags just seems like the way to go.

  • Calibre: This gets recommended everytime, but honestly I'm not interested in duplicating my library of +10,000 pdfs and following their organization system. The desktop app looks ugly (which is apparently fixed with Calibre-web but still requires the desktop app).

  • Jellyfin: Really not geared towards books in general, it's functional but not great for it. This may end up being what I fall back to if I can't get anything else working.

  • Kavita: Looks nice and works nice EXCEPT it has some weird ass naming convention with regards to numbers in the folder/file names. Only top-level stuff can contain numbers, everything below has to have roman numerals? Such a weird thing that just breaks it for me.

  • Komga: It looks nice and works nice, but is more geared towards comics, and thus doesn't work so hot with RPGs with multiple categories (Core rulebooks, Scenarios, Settings, etc), since I tend to break those out into different folders. It ends up treating sub-folders as a different series altogether, so it sort of demands that you just keep everything in the same folder.

  • Ubooquity: Tried it, it ran like ass on my machine and didn't seem to do as good a job. Making updates in the folders themselves took awhile to propagate and it just overall didn't seem to work well for how I wanted to use it. I just didn't particularly care for it.

  • Zotero: It's actually more meant for academic journals and such, but it could be used for organizing TTRPG pdfs, though not sure how well it scales up once you start throwing thousands of pdfs at it. Downside though is that it's not as flashy as some of the others, it doesn't display book covers and you have to create additional objects for each item. You also can't just add tags to the PDFs themselves, you have to create an additional 'Book' object and attach the pdf to that item, then add whatever tags/notes/metadata you want to add. I haven't figured out how to automate the process and the one item I tried where it automatically found it, it created a 'Journal Article' and renamed it based on the authors of the book (which it did correctly find), which is not ideal for going through thousands of items. I just want it to keep the file names in most cases as I've already gotten most file names where I want them.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

That is, have you ever started getting into a game, only to discover that the community is much deeper than you initially ever suspected?

My kids and I started playing PlateUp! for funsies, it's a 4-player co-op kitchen/cooking/restaurant simulator that has you doing fun things like cooking food, taking customers orders, and washing dishes. We kind of play it for laughs and barely make any headway in it, usually as a result of all the chaos that comes from multiple people trying to run a kitchen. I started looking deeper into it because apparently there's ways to automate your whole setup and have the whole kitchen run itself. The amount of diagrams and setups that people have created are just insane, way deeper than I ever even considered with this innocent-looking game and it's made me reconsider what I thought was just a quirky little party game.

Queen Mona (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/imageai

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I woke up well-rested after getting plenty of sleep. I’m taking my car in for service, then I’m gonna sit around all day drinking coffee and alcohol, while playing games and working on hobbies.

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