Picture taken yesterday. Former Assad regime tank turned into market stall in Syria.
Russian propaganda trying to convince us he died from shrapnel when we already have video evidence he's immune to such things smh my head
Rules 5 and 6
Sorry, its quoting some vatnik post.
Shit you're right my bad. So used to all planes being girls.
This isn't an airport you don't need to announce your departures. No one cares where you go this isn't your personal blog.
Someone needs to update the Ukrainian cap meme lmao
Dazzle camouflage to disguise his range, speed and heading
How is this porn? Planes dont wear clothes.
Being real though, this is NCD content. You don't get to threaten to block this community unless you get content your way. We're not changing our content just because you don't like it. Here I'll just permaban you so you don't have to worry about it anymore. See, now everyone's happy 👍
LMAO folks who sub to NCD when they see cute little memes and get hit with this shit. Welcome to NCD folks!
That's how we enforce Rule 7. By actually knowing what classified means.
Shhh don't ruin the fun. NCD is so much better when we just accept everything as real.