No they didn't. They used rclone and mounted Google drive in vfs-cach mode which means it's firstly written to the drive before it's synced to the cloud
Yeah both isn't possible
No. The first one doesn't load
Ja. Natürlich
Komme aus den Süd-Westen Deutschlands und sage trotzdem "moin"
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swing
It just took so long for the internet in Germany to load
Well it can also be the case that I just have a very good dream memory, but I noticed that I can relatively easaly drift into a dream while being aware of my environment even when I was fully awake before. Not always though.
I also can remember having 4-10 dreams in a night. Of cause we don't only dream in the REM sleep so it's kinda hard to keep track of how much I actually sleep.
I probably just have a pretty good dream memory and have a very light sleep
Strangers on the internet can find out more about me than my inner circle.
They just have to find my old username.
Absolutely. MDMA is my favorite drug.
Not nessecarily daily.
I don't think you can experience the highs without the lows since at some point the high becomes the new normal, but since that's not the case in this hyperthetical scenario I'd probably take it.
Also: while such a drug doesn't necessarily produce physical dependency, it will absolutely make you emotionally dependent.
MDMA also counts as physically not addictive, but it absolutely is emotionally addictive. And it has lots of side effects especially with chronic use.