[-] n3m37h 1 points 2 hours ago


Know enough your a piece of shut and so are another agent that LIES ABOUT SQUARE FOOTAGE

[-] n3m37h 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

[ 1) the actual market value of a property, or what someone would be willing to pay for it, 2) the property’s taxable value as assessed by a governmental agency property appraiser, and 3) documentation about a property’s value submitted to a lender for the purposes of securing a loan.

Trump got in trouble for committing fraud regarding that third category, the information the Trump Org submitted to lenders to secure loans. Among the misrepresentations, perhaps the most egregious was the “tripling of the size of the Trump Tower Penthouse,” which Judge Arthur Engoron noted in his scathing ruling was an undeniable and indefensible falsehood.](https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/ny-post-promotes-laughably-wrong-claim-from-online-troll-accusing-jon-stewart-of-fraudulently-overvaluing-his-apartment/)

Yep John Stuart is the baddie... I'm a retard and you're the smartest...

And sqft doesn't change if you measure it differently. It's a fucking building, you are just as criminal as Trump ya fuckwit

Because you don't and don't want to get caught ya think that shit is OK? Seriously FUCK YOU

[-] n3m37h 11 points 16 hours ago

Bibi - Look, they were pre-Hamas, were just defending ourselves!

[-] n3m37h 1 points 16 hours ago

So you sell places that are 11,000 sqft as 33,000 sqft?

John Stuart didn't want to sell, he asked for a crazy number and the dumbass accepted it. Not the same shit. Try again ya idiot

Trump called for Hillary to be jailed then he was asked about it then Denied it on live tv

Seriously just fuck off you are WRONG and this is just becoming stupid.

[-] n3m37h 1 points 17 hours ago

The mother fucker literally lied about the size of his real-estate (by 3x the amount) something if you or I would do would land us with massive fines if not jail time.

Do you remember when Donald was saying at rallies to lock up crooked Hillary and then live on TV said he didn't?

Seriously you are the problem, Trump will say anything that he thinks you want to hear esp if it saves his ass.

Trump University, the best education money can buy? What happened? He got unqualified teachers and stole millions from people thinking yeah we can trust Trump, He's famous!

You defended him from the beginning saying the allegation require scrutiny.

Seriously? Guy has a rap sheet so long they couldn't even fit in 10pt font on the fat fucks suit.

Anyways, I know this is pointless as you are obviously got nothing more than a wind tunnel for a brain.

[-] n3m37h 1 points 18 hours ago

That wasn't regulation that was prohibition. Alcohol is currently regulated (21+ or 19 if you're Canadian)

[-] n3m37h 1 points 20 hours ago

I'm not the one being defensive, I'm pointing out that Trump isn't a good person in general

The lesser of 2 evils, is still evil

And Trump also think Mr Pooh (see China) and Putin are great people.

As for the cult reference was because you said that ya thought the 34 convictions are BS. I don't know if ya miss understood that or not but regardless anyone who is willing to defend Trump may as well be part of his cult.

The guy can't speak in public without spouting nonsense or as he likes to say "fake news"

[-] n3m37h 1 points 1 day ago

Whoop whoop, found the cultist.

Please re read the last comment. I am NOT defending Biden.

There is a reason why the guy who doesn't know how to hold a bible is leaning hard into the Christian population. Y'all will believe any bullshit if this said with enough confidence.

Use your fucking brain dude, the wolf has dawned a sheep outfit and y'all can't see it...

[-] n3m37h 2 points 1 day ago
[-] n3m37h 2 points 1 day ago

So all of the allegations extending back to the early 90's about Trump mean absolutely nothing?

Walking into dressing rooms of 15/16 year old girls. The decades of "bad jokes" of his daughters. Decades if friendship with a known pedo/human trafficker. This doesn't show his overall character?

I'm not saying Biden didn't do it but seriously? Are you unable to comprehend the shitshow that is Donald J Trump?

Do you think the 34 convictions are a bunch if bullshit? Is he your retribution? Arebyou following a false prophet? I would say yes...

[-] n3m37h 13 points 1 day ago

I consider myself an anti-theist. Religion is used to control unintelligent/mentally challenged people and shouldn't exist in any form.

I don't hate the people unless they are forcing it down my throat.

[-] n3m37h 15 points 2 days ago

Yes the things sticking OUT of the water are most definitely killing the whales IN the water.


submitted 2 months ago by n3m37h to c/[email protected]

Yay! More BS that only puts us further behind!

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