Ah yes, all of those drugs getting into America, Canada does nothing...
There are articles of clothes and I dont call them articles.
Just like this
It's my precious now!
Its not an article, its gonna be Dougs policy, working along side nazis. Ontario.ca link ffs
Working with a government that is hostile towards us is being a traitor in my eyes.
Im sorry but the Trump administration has made its own bed. They want to be hostile towards us and our allies? FUCK THEM Doug has shown where his allegence lays since he has not ripped up that dogshit starlink agreement that made each starlink unit cost us taxpayers $5,000 instead of $900 as a private citizen
That is fantastic, ill take 2!
We got lots of mice and rats. He will be well fed!
He let the ball walk in!!
I just enjoy pissing off football fans. You want to talk superiority complex just look at American football fans.
Anyways, enjoy what ya enjoy lol
Sorry for the joke, this is my actual belief. The more "padded" someone is the more careless they will be because they think they are safe.
I certainly know rugby has its dangers, but when you play by the rules it is leaps and bounds safer than AF
What in the actual fuck is happening??
This province is fucked