Sigh, I should have guessed.
I wonder if he'd hate Vivian less if she'd chosen a name like Xena or Roxanne.
Sigh, I should have guessed.
I wonder if he'd hate Vivian less if she'd chosen a name like Xena or Roxanne.
I would bet that the names he chose, at least the ones that aren't "X" in some way (Xavier, Exa, X AE whatever) are probably white supremacist adjacent in some way, "Saxon" being an obvious one.
He's a Manly Man, and his Mind is Too Powerful to Succumb to the Woke Mind Virus!
Or, so he'd tell you.
Elon's Children
His first girl (not counting Vivian) was born in approx 2022. He has 14 kids, and they're almost all male. This isn't coincidence, especially since most of the early children were the result of IVF, where it's possible to select the sex. This is part of why he's so angry. He only wanted male children, he paid for male children, and one of his male children had the nerve to not be male in defiance of his wishes.
She was investigating two Russian nationals involved in some pretty big fraud.
The word "was" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.
Yes, she was investigating fraud, when she was a US Attorney. She resigned on Jan 20th when Trump became President.
Yeah, +1 for Bazzite.
It looks like it's really designed for Linux beginners. They've done a solid amount of work sanding off the rough edges.
As someone who has been using Linux for decades, I'm also impressed with it for a development system. I chose Bazzite because I wanted to be able to play games easily, but since I installed it a month or so ago, I've barely played any. I've installed a few to make sure they work, but I got interested in another project once I installed it, so for me it's been a machine used to set up and administer a Kubernetes cluster, as well as doing some Go / Javascript development.
In the early 2000s, I was one of those guys who ran Gentoo and liked building all my own software on my own machine so that it was perfectly tweaked for what I wanted to do. But, these days, I really like having an OS that's stable and gets out of my way, so I can focus on more interesting things.
Bazzite, a gaming-focused Linux distribution, is designed to work really well with Steam. One drawback is that if you have a game installed in Windows on a Windows drive, you can't use it from Linux steam. But, there is a way to have games accessible to both operating systems. I haven't done this, yet, but I'm probably going to try it this week.
It involves installing a Windows driver that supports BTRFS partitions.
Here's the video guide I found.
If OP is a gamer and not too comfortable with Linux, Bazzite is a good choice of distribution.
It's a so-called "Atomic" distro. Basically what that means is that it works more like Android / iOS than Windows or a traditional Linux distribution.
The base system including drivers and key applications is built as an image by Fedora. Every 2 weeks or so, they release a new one, and Bazzite users get the new one the next time they reboot. Everything in that base image is tested to work together, so you don't get weird incompatibilities. You can still install all the other software you want, but you tend to do it using Flatpaks rather than rpms/debs. (For someone who doesn't know what that means, Bazzite is a nice OS because that's something you don't need to learn right away.)
Bazzite is meant to be something that you can install on a SteamDeck, or another handheld gaming PC, but it also works great for desktop machines. But, because it's meant for handheld machines, they've worked extra hard to sand away some of the rough edges.
If you're a more advanced user, Bazzite is still good because you can still do almost everything you'd do on a normal distribution, you're just discouraged from doing things that affect the base image because it makes updates slower and means they're not guaranteed to work. I actually really like some of the things you're encouraged to do in Atomic distros that you wouldn't do normally. For example, using distrobox as a way to install certain kinds of dev tools. I currently have one project I'm running in an Ubuntu distrobox and another I'm running in a Fedora distrobox. It keeps some of the tools isolated to the "box" where they're needed. I haven't used Fedora much lately, so it's fun to have the more familiar Ubuntu environment in one, and then the other one where I can experiment and learn.
For someone who doesn't play games, Bazzite probably isn't ideal, but I'd still recommend an Atomic build. There are downsides, but unless you're the kind of person who really likes building their own kernel and making sure it's optimal for their system, it's so nice to have a stable base image so you can focus on the other stuff.
I mean, you thought it would be hostile nation states. You didn't say anything about accidentally including a journalist in the group chat.
------------------------------------------------------ I guess it doesn't work with keyboards.
The really sad thing is that in this scenario only Republicans matter. As long as they keep treating Trump as some kind of god-emperor, nothing will happen.
I was going to say "treating him as a king", but England and Canada have kings and would never put up with this kind of shit from a king. England hasn't put up with kings acting this way since the Magna Carta was signed.
That's a bit like saying "It's illogical for Herr Hitler to mistreat the jews. If what he really cares about is the German People, surely that aim is best served by retaining expertise where it is available."