
joined 1 year ago
[–] lyth 1 points 1 week ago

I'm not a comic book lore guy by any means, but the few times I attempted to look up Cosmic Armor Superman he seemed like the biggest accomplishment of the absurd power creep stuff DC seems to enjoy. Wiki entries for this fella use some pretty intense language.

[–] lyth 2 points 3 weeks ago

Final total is 157 posts and 22604 comments since 1 Jul 2023

[–] lyth 3 points 1 month ago

permanent brain damage from sleep deprivation, huge new fear unlocked. tyvm for the info


I'm assuming that if I lose two hours of sleep for five non-consecutive days that I won't have to sleep for ten hours straight in addition to the eight-ish I'd normally be asleep for. How well does the body keep track of this stuff? How much will it forgive?

Bear with me as I'm not thinking super clearly from the caffeine crash and messed-up sleep

[–] lyth 9 points 1 month ago

They're talking about application launchers for Android devices, the same category of system component that the Start Menu in Windows and the big app grid in OSX are. You can change your application launcher pretty easily on Android and some Linux systems.

[–] lyth 47 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

map is outdated, Benedict XVI died in 2022

edit: map is not outdated, the Vatican is half a square kilometer

[–] lyth 15 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I got stoned in VRChat for the first time, not too long after getting my first VR headset. As a furry who's very interested in screwing with my sense of self, this was a really big deal to me in a way I can't easily explain.

  • in John Wayne (Part 2) at 8:40, describing Wayne's experience with dysentery during filming of his first starring role

  • in The Primal Diet Con at 31:00, as a likely part of the process of natural selection that made many humans lactose tolerant

  • in The War on Vagrants (Part 1) at 24:00, what Robert hopes happened to certain slave traders

  • in Robert E. Lee (Part 4) at 20:40, what happened to Civil War soldiers on the field as a result of doing war during the 1800's

  • in The Liver King (live version) at 20:18, being a consequence of consuming unpasteurized milk

  • NOT mentioned in Alfred Hitchcock (Part 2) as a possible effect of a prank involving laxatives, he could have said it if he wanted to

  • NOT mentioned in Scott Adams (Part 2) as the effect of eating a Dilburrito, but he sounded like he was getting real close to using those words

[–] lyth 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

The image only contains consenting adults who look very happy to be with each other (the perspective on the muzzles could use a little work though), so no, not very problematic. It is problematic if you're making an active effort to stop browsing porn and you still got far enough for your web browser to load that text.

[–] lyth 3 points 7 months ago

sauce lot to, it fries things a french barbecue like on of on I works

[–] lyth 5 points 7 months ago (3 children)

We can have this talk if you ever pass Kolanaki's comment total

[–] lyth 19 points 7 months ago (1 children)

It's meant to roughly gauge how clearly you picture things in your mind's eye by asking you which apple you see when prompted to imagine one. #5 references the lack of a mind's eye in people with Aphantasia (coincidentally this Wikipedia article has this same chart as a header image)

[–] lyth 20 points 9 months ago

A good line from a video about a cancelled game jam documentary: "Matti was hired as a Pepsi Consultant, a job title less dignified than Human Trafficker"

[–] lyth 7 points 9 months ago

Waiting for Kolanaki and the rest of the furries to show up...

Mourning Wood (self.fakebandnames)
submitted 9 months ago by lyth to c/[email protected]

I'm imagining a Radiohead cover band

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