On a tangentially related note, you ever find it odd how illegal immigrants simultaneously take everyone's jobs and are lazy sacks of shit benefitting off welfare?
I've seen a lot of regressives happily tout similar retoric back to back and it just astounds me at the mental gymnastics.
Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to mention that the above statement is a much better argument AND is mathematically provable using the same method I used above (any vote not for candidate A becomes a -1 or a -2.)
It's a much better statement to use when trying to sway voter opinion.
Also definitely the more important point I'm making above is that Biden is NOT the lesser of two evils. The moves he's made have not been the biggest or the best but a lot of that's in part because he needs a solid base of good Congress people working alongside him to accomplish any real progress on any of the initiatives he's been pushing. The President does not make laws, though having the correct President in office does lower the bar at getting good laws passed. If a good law never crosses his desk because we have a bunch of regressives in office like we currently do, not a lot it's going to happen.