Just like school-age kids who make up rules to their advantage every 5 seconds.
Whoops! But yes, absolutely right.
8,653 cars over four dealerships in three days is ~~961~~ ~721 cars per dealer per day. (edit: fixed my math)
No dealership carries that many cars in one go, much less even capable of processing that many sales within 24hrs. Your average dealership sells maybe 100 cars a month.
I think a private group needs to start digging into the lives of these snitches and getting into the skeletons in their closets.
It takes a special kind of fucked up person to go that low, Jesus Christ...
I imagine Musk would want "proof" of some sort before paying. If he ever planned on paying at all, that is...
I use a few of those already (HA, Proxmox, etc), I'll have to check it out later.
Ntfy's public server costs money. Something that's need-to-know when suggesting an app to someone who's curious about its functionality.
I already have a small cluster that I run shit on, so that's they way I would take.
I poked around and it's a bit more involved than that.
My only beef with LubeLogger (and it's a pretty minor one, given it's just the one dev) is the lack of a mobile app. I've used aCar since 2012. I have years of data logged, and IMO, having periodic reminders and widgets available at a single tap is a bit more favorable than a PWA.
I am very curious about ntfy though. Please do share.
I run this on a simple docker instance.
Right? This part stuck out to me:
Oh, really, NOW you're taking it seriously because you know you fucked up? What a fucking obviously canned corporate response. I'd be calling lawyers left and right after that, I bet more than a few would take it pro-bono.