Please do. Dealing with you right wing bigots is as annoying as visiting reddit is now that you people ruined that site.
They're getting fired eventually anyway, they had pronouns in their sig in the first place.
Commies in general are why you're not speaking German, but active disinformation isn't allowed; and it doesn't get much more active than claiming the CPC likes trump or helped him.
Religious oppression is wrong, as is state oppression of religion. Let people wear what they want. Most of the time the burka/niqab is an active choice by the woman.
Maybe not promise to maybe consider climate goals that are a tenth of what developing countries are currently doing for climate change while hemming and hawing about even these bare minimum goals probably being unreachable so we should just expand oil production.
Neither scotus nor the federal courts can bring charges, only oversee trials for said charges, or in the case of scotus, determine whether laws are constitutional and were followed during trial.*
Therefore the executive, as has always been it's role would have to bring charges.
- Obviously courts can bring contempt charges, but only during and after a trial.
The landlord statistically neither builds the house nor funds it's construction.
Bridges require no specific rent but require human labor. Maybe we just do that, but with housing.
The courts aren't the check in the case we're talking about, the jury is.
As someone that read the stories, they're just that.
The truth is the TERFs wanted to punish gaiman for advocating for trans rights. And they won. Anyone English and famous simply cannot advocate for trans rights, otherwise terf island does their best to ruin them.
If Biden was convicted of a high crime, absolutely. That's only be constitutional.
If you think you have to let murderers free because of democracy, you don't support democracy, you support murder.
An investigation ending in a jury trial is not, by any standard, despotic nor authoritarian.
However refusing to bring charges against someone in your same political class because they ran against you or might do so in the future absolutely is authoritarian and is the sign of an oligarchy wherein those with enough money are free from consequences.
As often as you post outright racist memes, it's truly a wonder you have the gall to claim the things you claim.
You're just a disgusting bigot, no better or worse than a MAGAt. You're just content with state approved, democrat approved bigotry.