haha I was wondering the same. The sign is very robust and aggressive, so I wondered if there were earlier versions people still ignored.
Die sehr professionelli Benotig sett mer eigli no dra hänke 😉
fair enough 🙈
Hm, didn't think about that. Maybe? For the children?
Now I can't unsee it 😅
This was fucking beautiful. And hey you might not have taken a digital picture, but your mind seems to have preserved this in an arguably even better way!
I liked this so much, I actually updated the title 😆
Oh I absolutely agree with your sentiment. But it's in the community's hand what to do with this community. So far it was mostly me posting on here. But at least I can try to avoid just posting political stuff and instead try to get the "best of" kind
sleeping in a freezing environment, under a cozy warm blanket, nothing better than that!
Oh no, I'm rooting for you friend, hopefully you will be able to fix the AC tomorrow 🤞🤞
dark for two years... What a nightmare that would be!
Isch aber teils chli schwierig z'verstah 😅 Oder ich muess eifach mis Schwiizerdütsch verbessere 🙃