Sometimes I update and can no longer boot so I go outside, does that counf
You're right, but looking at this analogy backwards tells us the problem isn't the ability for Uber/ISPs to ban users--this happens and isn't a problem with Uber-- it's that Uber, unlike ISPs, doesn't hold a monopoly on feasible means of transportation. We can't reasonably expect a business to act outside its own best interests, so it's insane to allow a business to exist in such a form. Short term, sure, regulate; but really, nationalize it.
Thanks. This is helpful context to have in mind as I change the hardware and use cases going forward.
How is it as a hypervisor? My usage has been evolving from "NAS" to "homelab" so I'm getting the feeling I should probably go with Proxmox
Why would you need to set up a postgres db...? Unions are a fundamental set theoretic operation that are applicable to all set-like collections. You may as well say "an in memory hash map / list is absurdly inefficient compared to a relational db." Is it efficient, to you, to spin up a postgres instance to hold a dozen key value pairs?
Sets aren't just for databases
Yeah, it's an early warning sign for sure. Hope it's a false positive.
Glad to be grandfathered in, but now it's time to take a serious look at alternatives. Do people still like FreeNAS? I currently rely on the use of mixed drive sizes (5x 4TB + 2x16TB) so it would be really annoying to switch to a RAID5 solution, but I should probably have enough time to let these smaller drives die/be replaced before switching.
It is better to switch to Firefox. But chromium forks can generally do whatever they want, it's just a matter of maintenance burden. e.g. nothing is stopping a Chromium fork like Brave from running a manifest v2 compatible appstore, but it'll cost money to make, maintain, and operate, plus you have less discoverability as an app developer when using a smaller app store.
No, it's not, because it's irrevocable