lmaoo thank you for the laugh
That's totally cool with me, I am absolutely a dumb idiot.
Difference is I don't go around correcting people's spelling to make them feel stupid.
It's just such a tone deaf response. I sent an email to my senators and rep asking them to listen to their constituencies regarding their election fears. Not that I think it will do much. But God, waiting around for this old man to lose to Trump while feeling powerless (yes, I'll still vote) just sucks so much.
oops for you, because in your comment you come off haughty and dumb. Happens to all of us though, no big deal.
insults someone for their spelling mistake
fails at simple reading comprehension
heh, oops!
I suppose the difference in our line of thinking is that you see it as one united entity, whereas I see it as a lot of divided individuals. There is no consensus in the Democratic party right now regarding Biden's candidacy, so it might as well be two groups of people. Yeah, they could do it they wanted to. The problem is, they don't all want to. There are many interests in play, which is a shame because the stakes of the election, but it's just the truth. Case Biden.
Also, I get we're on the Internet, but it's pretty rude to bruh everything someone says. Pretending like what I'm saying is somehow an egregious leap of logic doesn't actually lend itself to your side of the conversation. And if it is a leap of logic and you correct me, I'm much more likely to be swayed to your side if you're conversationally curious rather than combative. Just saying.
It's all good. Honestly I think if a debate gets media attention for Dems, I'm all for it. Even if it's just performative for Harris publicity, even though I'm not thrilled about her, I think the media attention and getting her name out there would be a good thing for November. Obviously that's all a huge "if" depending on Biden being in or out, which if I had to guess, this whole conversation will be moot in 7 weeks.
Sure, but I don't think they have as much power as you're making out, not because they don't technically have that power, but because of the consequences of using it. I.e. the moderate establishment democratic party. I think there are political interests in place that prevent what you're talking about from happening.
What the heck dude, that's not true. I think you may have misinterpreted me. I never said a mini primary was an opportunity for a progressive candidate to slip in there, or anything about some weird progressive purity test. Jeez. I mean, I'd obviously prefer a more progressive candidate, but I'm in agreement with you that if for whatever reason Biden steps aside, it's almost certainly going to be Harris or another, (relatively) young moderate.
I said the mini primary was being spit balled in Congress, so the idea of Biden not being the nominee is not out of the realm of reality. That was my point, not that Democrats have to throw AOC or Buttigieg in order to win, or that it is even remotely likely they'll do that. It's not.
As in, they'd all have to come to a consensus on one candidate other than Biden, and that's just not a likely thing to happen without Biden stepping aside voluntarily.
I just don't see the DNC changing rules to choose someone besides Biden, even if that is technically possible. I could see them adding rules for what happens to delegates if a presumptive nominee steps aside before the convention. But hey, I'm a regular person who read a single article on DNC rules and listens to NPR Politics Podcast. Those kinds of analyses aren't going to delve too far into the, "well, what if the DNC changes the rules, holds a mini primary without Biden, etc, etc." because they either think they aren't likely, or because it is simply too early to tell which way things will move as of today.
Everyone that posts them is a Trump loving American hating wannabee fascist.
What an absolutely silly thing to say. I literally just want the best chance to beat Trump and I don't think it's Biden. I'm still gonna vote for him if (when) he's the nominee. Guess that somehow makes me a Trump-loving fascist. Lol.
Could you describe the push you're referring to? We all saw the debate, then the poll drop, then the calls for Biden to step aside. Which of those events have republicans behind them? We all just want the best chance at beating Trump, and many of us think that's not Biden. I don't think the media is to blame for reporting on what each congressperson is saying -- that's kinda their job, and that's whats going to get clicks -- but I do think they are to blame for the opinion articles that are saying "I'm not voting, you shouldn't either." Obviously that is horseshit. If Biden's the nominee, you gotta vote for him. But I struggle to think that the drama surrounding Biden's candidacy is somehow sparked by some hidden republicans pulling the strings. The dude just performed really poorly in a debate that he himself wanted, and then he doubled down with some awful awful soundbites about him being okay with Trump winning, as long as he tried his best.
Its like dude, have some fuckin awareness. The stakes aren't low enough for you to be self satisfied with doing your best.