As an owner of both, my 2020 Ioniq BEV easily feels better than my previous civic, and my Subaru (though I'd want the suby for anything challenging terrain-related). Best car I've owned.
I'd be willing to be your friend is not a Lex Luthor-esque billionaire with plans for world domination. Sorry but cannot countenance equivocation with respect to Musk, there are scarcely comparable human beings with his malice and ability to project ill will.
Edited to add: I didn't actually downvote you, nor suggest you were taking his side in my reply. What I did to was take the time to engage, and suggest you came off as not understanding the threat Musk posed vs "taking his side". Feeling a bit like you are working overtime for the persecution angle here.
Send that shit into the sub basement.
No, it looks like you just want to understand, but don't. I think the vitriol you'd get us because ppl assume either:
- how can you not understand or
- understanding is irrelevant, you don't need to understand cancer to know it's pathological and bad. I fall into this camp.
I think most don't want to understand him, they want him gone. Threat assessment. I can relate; he needs to get got.
FUCK. Look. I just got this gig. I've served one lousy table after one lousy time jump. FFS I just started yesterday!
Please tell me I'm still eligible.
I wonder why anyone would want an "AI girlfriend" or whatever ridiculous thing tech bros are trying to shoehorn monetization into to capitalize on the pervasive disconnect in society today.
And then, when I read a post like yours, referring to someone like that, it all suddenly makes sense. Given the choice, I'd also rather spend time with unthinking silicon than an asshole who talks to people like you do.
Haha I can personally attest to it being slightly more complex than that on Linux, but true for OSX.
The wealthy are not smart enough to plan the collapse
The wealthy are the cause of it. Cancer ain't gonna get to curing cancer....
Cask of Amontillado style. I love it. Last thing we do before sealing the air vents is chuck a stinkbomb in it.
"Police academy 2" taught me that in America, talk is cheap.
What would you have us do?
I'd have you start with humility.
You ALL NEED IT, as you are a nation utterly bereft of shame as has been demonstrated again and again.
And then, for the coup de grace, immediately deny that there even is or was ever such a social network, and insist it was another one of their "wacky dreams". And then later, they come to you to prove you wrong.
Boom. Incepted.