Travel bidet. You're welcome.
Well at least the one on the left does. The one on the right is hard to distinguish through the trees.
Those buildings look like they're under construction.
Heck yes. I just popem whole. No waste.
I also eat kiwis like apples, so maybe I'm a freak.
My answer was going to be that there's probably a nerve there.
Your answer is much better.
That's 1000 to 3000 mHz!
Glad to learn I'm not the only one blocking UniversalMonk accounts. Its exhausting.
By "filter", do you mean an equalizer? A graphic equalizer is actually a series of overlapping filters of a fixed width (1/3 octave, 1/1 octave, etc.). If you apply the same reduction in all bands, you're likely getting more reduction in the frequency bands in the overlapping regions, which would result in a subjective difference compared to just reducing broadband gain.
Seriously. They legit called their first console Family Computer.
What's an illegal protest?