Yeah he may have moments of happiness but it appears to be built on top of a super unhealthy desire to be viewed as impressive that I'm sure eats away at him every day. He wants to 'win' so people think he's cool. He's like a 10yo kid that steals the ball from his teammate to try and score a goal who gets upset when no one invites him to the after party.
I suspect that chart here is like actual action, not counting presnap. The shortened game one's still include replays and relevant presnap action. Though I agree, this still feels a little underestimated
They're upset they have to spend time fighting insurance companies cause every hour they spend doing that is one less hour they get to spend actually helping people
In my mind this is just another way for shady actors to give him money with less paper trail. Is that not possible? I admit I don't actually know how people are buying or selling this.
Honestly if that's what's happening it seems like an actual 'good' use case for crypto. Good as in clever/useful not good as in, well, good.
Not a lawyer but I think the fact that honey profited, like, a lot from this is a key factor. From my understanding it's hard to say what they didn't wasn't straight up theft. What's more, they lied about what they were doing so the consumer was unaware of the 'product' they were getting. So while I get your concern, I wouldn't be too worried about precedent here. It's less 'this should be made illegal!' and more 'they def committed several actual crimes'
Aragog gets no love
I legitimately didn't 'get' speed running until seeing his videos. What a wonderful storyteller. I mean, I still have absolutely no interest in doing it myself (I'm the kind of gamer that kind of forgets the plot and just explores) but I appreciate the scene for sure now
No this reasoning is flawed and used as an excuse for bad behavior. My father justified his alcoholism to himself by pointing out how independent all the kids turned out since he was useless, or how good we were with money because we could sense a scam from a young age as he was always trying to scam/manipulate us.
You can teach someone to cross the road by explaining the dangers and process to them, or you can teach them by driving enough cars into them that they either figure it out themselves (and carry the scars forever) or die. That doesn't make you a good teacher
Others are answering theoretically but these companies already exist. You can Google employee owned companies or if in the US I believe ESOPs are the most common. That can probably answer most of your questions. Personally I don't think I'd ever work for a company that isn't employee owned, it's amazing.
Pretty sure they had a lot of rewrites
This one doesn't make any sense to me. Of course all of our electricity imports come from Canada, I suspect the other 15% is mexico cause I don't know who else we even can import from. That said, probably most of these 'imports' are more like trades in that sometimes the nearest grid is across the border. I don't think Canada is sending bulk power to the US consistently (maybe on certain days depending on hydro and renewables) and doubt a tarriff here would be nearly as big an impact as something like steel. I could be wrong though
I think women and children first would be a similar thing