The government spend billions of dollars to make sure third parties are nowhere to be seen. This post being evidence. You got a fascist party and one involved in a genocide yet you see warnings about not voting for anyone else.
Remember blizzard is microsoft
All a third party really has to do is become popular enough to break the narrative that only red and blue can win. Once it happens it's a landslide because everyone is feed up with the current system. If red and blue start to lose votes and popularity they are forced to change their politics
Both the red and blue party are supporting a genocide. Taking away votes for them helps mankind
And a third party would probably stop that. The right choice is to vote for a third party that is against it not between "genocide" and "genocide x2"
What is on the ballot is the prevention of genocide (or at least a flood of atrocities) in Ukraine, the invasion of multiple former Soviet republics,
The idea that the US can stop a war between two countries in the opposite side of the world already highlight something scummy going on. How exactly is voting red or blue going to change anything in the russian/ukrainian borders?
Supporting and voting a party complicit in a genocide is not just a "feeling". Dozens of kids are being murdered daily in gaza, this is already the worst scenario.
Wrong, these are on people voting for the red and blue party which for a century have been cycling in power promoting the same authoritarian politics.
I encourage you to read about the cold war and check how many military bases the us has spread all over the world. I also encourage you to read about ukraine government corruption and their authoritarian measures and lastly i encourage you to check who usa and russia are in partnership with.