I've moved to Brother from HP. Disappointed by the support for Linux. While the driver exists, a lot of them aren't packaged. HP does a better job at that.
Depends which brown. They facilitated immigration from India and Pakistan.
Yes that's how they killed Mandrake/Mandriva, which was superior IMO at that time (easier install, KDE based, better hardware support).
Of course, Mandriva's management is not blameless, but Ubuntu's free CDs were the cherry on top of the cake.
intéressant, merci !
Le besoin de changer est clairement là mais je rejoins : ça fait mal au portefeuille.
Assez d'accord pour dire que c'est top sur le papier. Après c'est un coût assez faramineux de passer d'une chaudière à gaz à ça.
Entièrement d'accord. Au moins de mon côté, la volonté est là pour que la situation change, mais je ne peux pas complètement ignorer les aspects financiers.
Sinon, ma chaudière à gaz va sûrement atteindre sa fin de vie dans les 5 prochaines années car elle a autour de 20 ans. Je me renseigne depuis quelques temps pour comprendre par quoi la remplacer et c'est loin d'être évident, surtout que les vérités d'hier ne sont pas forcément celles de demain. J'ai cru un moment que cela valait le coup de passer aux chaudières à granulées, et maintenant qu'il fallait envisager le passage au tout électrique avec pompe à chaleur. En définitive, qu'en est-il ?
I would love for him to stay at PSG obviously but only if he wants to. If he's that obsessed about leaving he should do so ASAP.
The only reason for him to stay at PSG this year is to cash a huge signing bonus by Real next year. Not sure that will benefit his image.
Player turnover has already largely started and it's too early to say how it's going.
The real issue is that the decision process at PSG is irrational and emotive.
I'm happy my club is finally showing some teeth. Players that are only in for the money should just leave, we need to prioritise team spirit above individual talent. So yes Mbappe is the best player in the world and a smart guy, but he needs to go.
I'm sure he will be cleverly prepared to paint the situation in his advantage but deep down we all know he's only staying because he will get a huge signing bonus if he goes to Real Madrid next year.