Its not even to that extreme imo, for example if im saying "we should kill all x people" that is just instigation on mass murder, and that is illegal, and i dont know if its actually punishable by law but saying that in a public space will definetly put you on a watch list. I meant that this is used as a solution for a problem that is already solved with laws and regulations on political speech, and comes up like rallying against "everyone who disagrees with me is a biggot since i whant to give everyone ice cream and if you disagree then you whant to give everyone AIDS" when there are more nuanced takes like people being lactose intolerant, other not liking ice cream and others having diabetes or simply whanting to reduce their sugar/fats consumption and would rather have an orange. And grouping them with the "whanting to give AIDS to everyone" crowd is just a very childish way to handle this type of isues.
I understeand the whole idea and im always up to point and laugh at cringe wanna be fascist, the problem is that the term intollerance is not used with nuance, as soon as people receive critiscism ( be it constructive or not) is easy to just shout biggot or intolerance, whereas in that wouldnt really be the case.
Another problem would be what the stablishment considers intollerance or bigotry, like as easelly as there are protected groups that cant be criticed without coming of hatefull thowards that group, that could be applied the same way to the elite class, gobernment and rich people, and at least in my country it was like that untill relatively recently, (about 2 decades ago), and that is just straight up censorship and if the gobernment wanted they could jaill you (if they didnt assasinate you privately), and i understeand its simmilar in some countries to this day, without pointing at the most obvious ones or failed nations that are in constant internal violent conflicts, one example would be India for what i heard.
My point is that this type of rethoric shouldnt be thrown around as lightly as it is, since it sounds to me as more of a justification for censorship rather than a genuenly interesting thought experiment, specially since the ones that are normally used as an easy to tear down argument are the nazis, which i mean fuck them and everything they say but is this paradox really only aplicable to them?
Fuck that sounds awfull.
Thanks m8.
Im seing a bunch of things about israel right now, im out of the loop on this. Can somebody fill me in on what (if anything) happened?
ROFL on the show, even by that shows premise combined with the tittle sounds like it was gonna be awfull.
And i didnt knew about the fact that there was an organization that was cracking down on celebrity endorsed NFT's, that sounds like stepp into the right direction at least (it could be a clue on the fate of the of the Seth Green NFT show) . And if nothing else it makes it the only hillarious thing that would have came out of that show, besides dumb people getting scamed with blazed cats.
And i have no idea about the whole rape thing, but sounds like its a whole other can of worms that sounds awfull and makes the both sound like bad people.
Edit: i looked up some more on the cat show and it sounds like it could be kinda cute if the focus would be something other than stonner humor (Which i doubt), but the whole nft thing does make it a hard sell and unnecesarily makes it awfull just for that alone.
Who is that? Care to elaborate m8?
I forget that North korea claims to be communist because in my mind i have them as a feudalistic governance or a type of monarchy.
Thanks m8
Cuz they thend to be religious nuts, and that goes hand in hand with being very superstisous.
Lol he is crying throught his nose
They should have made chicken flavored condoms and they should be sponsored by KFC, if not they are loosing it big time.
In other news, did you know that coronel sanders is acually an NPC in phantasy star portable 2 infinity?
Like not in character creator or anything, he is a straight up npc that you can recrouit and figth alongside with.
Like you have your party of anime waifus and then theres this hyper realistic old man from the west that sels chicken, and yes those are pizza hut shield and sword.
Yes i know that the dating sim exist, but this was in an actual product that has a gameplay loop.