[-] icepuncher69 31 points 7 months ago

Yeah but is the same as a hydra, cut one head and 10 grow in its place

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by icepuncher69 to c/[email protected]

i havent seen any discusion on this seasson here on lemmy so what the hell, im gonna start my own.

I had some very mixed feelings on it, for one the action and animation was very cool, and the second season seems that its gonna be a break it or make it kinda deal in terms of the plot because the writting was mediocre and worse compared even to the 3rd season of the first series, which is the weakest season by far of the first castlevania.

This is specially the case with the main 3 characters, first Maria is very passionate about the revolution and thats cool but the way they portrait it is very annoying, she just spouts the same revplutionary speeches over and over, and its never explained why she is so pasionate about it, you could say because freedoom is a universal motivation but it really isnt, speciallybfor her since she as well as her mom live away from the town, they arent really shown interacting with the townspeople so that to make a connection to understeand why they want freedom for them, or at the very least they could have shown her that she whent to college and learned about it on her philosophy class, or anything, luckilly they tone it down at the end by giving her more character and a conflict that goes into spoiler territory that seems that its gonna be cool how they expand upon it in the next season, but the first parts are very annoying and unexplained.

Second is Richter, which is this seassons flagship belmont, he kind of makes no sense, it wasnt shown or mentioned that he was trained in vampire killing yet he is super good at it, you could say that thats because he is a belmonth, but due to his "spoiler" being "spoiled" its not possible he could have been trained as well as say trevor with the wip, not even by the people that he is living wirt now since they are magic users, not vampire hunters, yet he is impossibly good with it, and he really doesnt have a good explanation as to why he is a vampire hunter in profession, and to pretend he has a character arc they gave him a barely justified shonen protagonist anime power up scene where he kills a bunch of powerfull vampires with magic and this was specially made to justify having him running of crying in one scene where his "spoiler" shows up, this imo really shows the intentions of the writers, wich takes us to the last character i want to complain about: Annete.

Annete was kinda like the writers darling, the first parts of the show focus on her and one whole episode its entirelly dedicated to her backstory, while the other characters barelly have foundation, and this wouldnt be as bad if she wasnt so annoying, since she causes some problems and one of them being a characters death due to her not being able to control herself at a very bad moment and isnt even at the very least made responsible for it, the whole contrary btw, and its not because she is clumsy or made a mistake, she has some very OP magic and its very good at using it, which while it shouldnt it kinda gets aded as a negative, not that she shouldnt be powerfull but you kinda understeand what the writers are trying to do and i dont like it, and when richters runs away they made her snap, throw a temper tantrum and shit talk him, making her come across at the very least as very unconcidarate, and granted, they have someone tell her that she shouldnt do that and she accepts it but still, but aggain, its very obvius why the writers added this, they whant to piss pepople of for controversy and about that, thats the characters purpose at its core, to be controversial, you could think it is not but it is. Not that a character shouldnt be diverse, but when they are made diverse nor even for diversitys sake, just for controversys sake, it brings the ehole character and discussion down. And it makes me sad that they are using a culture that has some cool potential for very nice stories and characters be used for just to piss people off and as a twitter argument, but well what can you do.

It may not seem like it but i do recomend it if you liked the first castlevania series, its more of it at the end, but if you like the games you will probably be more perplexed about it, but if thats the case then you probably seen the first series and again, its more casltevania. And if you like diversity in you media then you will like this series, i know it sounds condecending, but i heard is a genuine thing people take into concideration to rate something, so yeah, its very diverse, you will like it. Other than that, the second seasson its already confirmed so, like i said, they could redeem themseles or make it worse, so we will have to see...

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by icepuncher69 to c/[email protected]

With the recent fall from grace from NFTS i remembered the whole Seth Green NFT show fiasco, with his bored ape being stollen and and the show not being able to go foward due to that but icant find anymore info online other than he bought back his stollen nft, but i couldnt find if the show was cancelled or going foward. It would be a shame if it was cancelled because i was looking foward to point and laugh at the cringe that was coming with it and witness the colective disgust on the internet about it.

[-] icepuncher69 39 points 9 months ago

Fine, but dont defend tyranical regimes. They are bad no mather who they say they read. They could could claim to be following the teachings of fucking Mr Roggers but if they have concentration camps then thats not utopic or very humanitarian in my opinion, specially if ther is some mad dictator in power with everything no matter how manny extra steps are in between.

[-] icepuncher69 55 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Sounds like homelesness but taxed and with extra steps.

[-] icepuncher69 56 points 10 months ago

Is the joke that the universe is a simulation and we are like users or something like that? Or at least the guy that managed to log out from the universe.

[-] icepuncher69 57 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Theres no way yet, suposedly the devs are planing to give that option in the future.

Right now im just not loging into lemmy as much as before, the ambience became way more toxic than the first 2 or 3 months i started using it, and i believe its beacause of hexbearians. Lots of bad takes (pariculary genocide apologism) have been thriving on lemmy since they refederated, whuch was ussually trashed before, so i say they are behind that. And when they have more sane takes, they screw them up by telling you to go read Mao, seriously, Mr "Best politics are the ones that come from a barrel of gun" Mao. He was a fucking thug not a great mind of comunism.

I even re-made an account on reddit ffs, and reddit fucking sucks because my comments get ignored into oblivion no mather where i comment, and its not shadowbaning i think.

So my recomendation is try going somewhere else while the option of blocking instances becomes availabe or touch some grass, although grass sucks since it doesnt fight back when asked about politics and it becomes really old very quickly.

[-] icepuncher69 35 points 10 months ago

Honestly its not asgood of a news because that would mean that the MAGA nuters are just gonn go flocking everywhere else. Thrut social imo was kinda like a containment chamber for those specific types of people, like you wouldnt see a tankie or any one in the liberal spectrum going there, hell probably not even democrats, it was exclusively for the MAGA croud, and no one else. Now we are gonna have a bunch of those nutters back into social media shooting their poison. I just hope they dont get into lemmy.

[-] icepuncher69 137 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This situation is awfull and, i mean, i know sexual harasement is very serious and its really insensitive to joke about but i really cant help it, so if you are sensible to that type of comments then dont read it and feel free to downvote, ill understeand, so here i go, you have been warned:

Linus sex tips.

[-] icepuncher69 59 points 11 months ago

Does anyone know why they are allowed to call themselves a university when they clearly are just a rightwing propaganda machine? They fooled me for a while thinking that it was a ultra-christian academic institution or something dumb like that but they are not even a daycare. Shouldnt it be illegal to call themselves a university? Its like if i open a bussines and call it a hospital but i only sell herbal teas and suplements, like holly shit.

[-] icepuncher69 47 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Now let me start by saying that i recomend barbie very much, that being said, im gonna get ravaged by you people cuz i didnt think barbie was a woke film. Already saw it and while yes its message is feminist, its not shoehorned, doesnt try to pander to audiences with forced diversity where it doesnt make sense, its very self aware, has good writing in that it has well writen characters and they and the plot dont feel like the writers wish fullfilment power fantasy, and the message at end isnt even that left leaning imho since it doesnt dive that much on a certaing thing i thought they were hinting at and seems to be aware of it but at the end it doesnt really take it to light, thought i may be wrong on the end part since thats more on a personal level to me and i wont discus it here due to spoilers.

[-] icepuncher69 41 points 11 months ago
[-] icepuncher69 34 points 1 year ago

Seems like it was made by a cartoon cat

[-] icepuncher69 71 points 1 year ago

O thank god, almost ate the onion

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