
joined 1 year ago
[–] icepuncher69 31 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Yeah but is the same as a hydra, cut one head and 10 grow in its place

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Hi m8, do you know what would be a good option for like an android box or roku or whatever for tv? I have a semi smart lg tv that sucks ass and i whant to connect it to something like that, but i whant a tv box that can get open source stuff or at least is conpatible with something like youtube revance.


[–] icepuncher69 27 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Why? That shithole contains the MAGAtards in a nice giant ecochamber where they circlejerk eternally, we dont whant them flooding the normal net again.

[–] icepuncher69 5 points 9 months ago

Ace combat is awesome!!!

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Indeed it does, thats why i shit so much on political extremeism, it inevitably ends in censorship.

My advice would be that if it makes you feel uncomfortable (and you still whant to use lemmy), change instances, like i said, doesnt do that, dont know which other instances do and doesnt. I think absolutelly does.

[–] icepuncher69 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Yes, try it if you whant, my instance does allow that type of words.

Dont know about yours though.

You can always delete it after the fact if it makes you uncomfortable having it in your comment history

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 9 months ago

Not really if you get into political talk, you will be shit talked into oblivion, and in the subject of pornography, i find the one here on lemmynsfw bland af, its mostly tje same chicks posting over and over again. But other than that I have seen before complaints from people on the lemmy.nsfw community that they are surprisingly puritan with the nsfw content allowed, and if you look for that type of content you will realize that its true, like i can think of various extreme fetishes that are banned that i rather not type here in public, but some that are more perplexing are like csncs, which its just a type of roleplay between 2 consenting adults and thats banned for some reason, and rape hentai, while i understeand while that would be controversial, its still a fetish sone people would have and its in draw form so no harm done to anyone, also some other gross stuff that nobody likes like scat or guro (drawn ofc)

Which like i said nobody whants to watch those last 2 except for the people that do and there even are comunities of those in reddit, so its very weird that there arent any equivalents here.

(Btw when i say banned i mean that they dont allow comunities that post that type of content.)

(And before you ask no im not into any of that type of the aformentioned shit)

Now you could say "well change instances", but i heard bad things from the other ones here that do allow some of that stuff, specially the hentai focused ones, which i heard are mainly legally dubius shit and a little dangerous to go there so i rather look for porn/hentai somewhere els

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 9 months ago

Ive seen that in reddit shadowbanning is rampant on new accounts, so mayve that has to do with something. Specially if you have been banned before.

[–] icepuncher69 4 points 9 months ago (4 children)

many users have radicalised and extremist mindsets,

I think thats the whole internet nowdays, unless you decide to exclusivelly consume cat content (and even then theres gonna be a way to jam in extremist political views by some nutter somehow).

Although i have to admit that the ones here are of a diferent breed than most, mainly tankies and people on that side of the compass (and yes they are very annoying about it).

One upside to lemmy is that ,at least up untill now, the mods and admins are very neutral and i rarelly see deleted comments (or maybe they are hidden... i dunno) and that theres genuine free speech in here, i mean if you whant you can look at my comment history, i get downvoted to oblivion most of the time but my comments are still up and not censored.

Although there is this weird thing on other instances (im in and they dont do this i know i tryied it) that delete words on peoples comments and posts, mainly slurs and politically incorrect words. Really, i seen that some months before, dont know if it still like that now with the world users, but if you type something like fa***t in .world you will get "deleted" in that word specifically irc

[–] icepuncher69 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)


[–] icepuncher69 1 points 10 months ago
[–] icepuncher69 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Why swedes though?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by icepuncher69 to c/[email protected]

i havent seen any discusion on this seasson here on lemmy so what the hell, im gonna start my own.

I had some very mixed feelings on it, for one the action and animation was very cool, and the second season seems that its gonna be a break it or make it kinda deal in terms of the plot because the writting was mediocre and worse compared even to the 3rd season of the first series, which is the weakest season by far of the first castlevania.

This is specially the case with the main 3 characters, first Maria is very passionate about the revolution and thats cool but the way they portrait it is very annoying, she just spouts the same revplutionary speeches over and over, and its never explained why she is so pasionate about it, you could say because freedoom is a universal motivation but it really isnt, speciallybfor her since she as well as her mom live away from the town, they arent really shown interacting with the townspeople so that to make a connection to understeand why they want freedom for them, or at the very least they could have shown her that she whent to college and learned about it on her philosophy class, or anything, luckilly they tone it down at the end by giving her more character and a conflict that goes into spoiler territory that seems that its gonna be cool how they expand upon it in the next season, but the first parts are very annoying and unexplained.

Second is Richter, which is this seassons flagship belmont, he kind of makes no sense, it wasnt shown or mentioned that he was trained in vampire killing yet he is super good at it, you could say that thats because he is a belmonth, but due to his "spoiler" being "spoiled" its not possible he could have been trained as well as say trevor with the wip, not even by the people that he is living wirt now since they are magic users, not vampire hunters, yet he is impossibly good with it, and he really doesnt have a good explanation as to why he is a vampire hunter in profession, and to pretend he has a character arc they gave him a barely justified shonen protagonist anime power up scene where he kills a bunch of powerfull vampires with magic and this was specially made to justify having him running of crying in one scene where his "spoiler" shows up, this imo really shows the intentions of the writers, wich takes us to the last character i want to complain about: Annete.

Annete was kinda like the writers darling, the first parts of the show focus on her and one whole episode its entirelly dedicated to her backstory, while the other characters barelly have foundation, and this wouldnt be as bad if she wasnt so annoying, since she causes some problems and one of them being a characters death due to her not being able to control herself at a very bad moment and isnt even at the very least made responsible for it, the whole contrary btw, and its not because she is clumsy or made a mistake, she has some very OP magic and its very good at using it, which while it shouldnt it kinda gets aded as a negative, not that she shouldnt be powerfull but you kinda understeand what the writers are trying to do and i dont like it, and when richters runs away they made her snap, throw a temper tantrum and shit talk him, making her come across at the very least as very unconcidarate, and granted, they have someone tell her that she shouldnt do that and she accepts it but still, but aggain, its very obvius why the writers added this, they whant to piss pepople of for controversy and about that, thats the characters purpose at its core, to be controversial, you could think it is not but it is. Not that a character shouldnt be diverse, but when they are made diverse nor even for diversitys sake, just for controversys sake, it brings the ehole character and discussion down. And it makes me sad that they are using a culture that has some cool potential for very nice stories and characters be used for just to piss people off and as a twitter argument, but well what can you do.

It may not seem like it but i do recomend it if you liked the first castlevania series, its more of it at the end, but if you like the games you will probably be more perplexed about it, but if thats the case then you probably seen the first series and again, its more casltevania. And if you like diversity in you media then you will like this series, i know it sounds condecending, but i heard is a genuine thing people take into concideration to rate something, so yeah, its very diverse, you will like it. Other than that, the second seasson its already confirmed so, like i said, they could redeem themseles or make it worse, so we will have to see...


With the recent fall from grace from NFTS i remembered the whole Seth Green NFT show fiasco, with his bored ape being stollen and and the show not being able to go foward due to that but icant find anymore info online other than he bought back his stollen nft, but i couldnt find if the show was cancelled or going foward. It would be a shame if it was cancelled because i was looking foward to point and laugh at the cringe that was coming with it and witness the colective disgust on the internet about it.

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