
joined 1 year ago
[–] hector 1 points 5 hours ago

What's the rational for companies to do that ? Is Discord financially viable? With all those users, I'd assume they would have reimbursed VCs money ?

[–] hector 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Des grosses voitures, qui renversent des enfants :

Un Hummer jaune ridiculement surélevé dans lesrues ensoleillés de la banlieue de Denver, devant un restaurant mexicain giga bon

Et des grandes montagnes:

Une photo représentant un point surélevé sur une montagne, il fait assez chaud mais la neige et les cactus cohabitent

[–] hector 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

Je suis à Denver en train de faire du back-end engineering avec Go et Redis avec mes amis. Première fois au États-Unis, je ne pense pas que ça aurait été aussi agréable si je n'avais pas eu mes amis pour m'aider financièrement.

Ce pays est tellement cher et on doit prendre la voiture pour aller partout ahahah.

EDIT: je vais aussi avoir 18 ans ce mois-ci!!

[–] hector 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Vercel could be a great name or maybe ECMAScript-TC39 Junior

[–] hector 3 points 5 days ago

I really need go get to doing it ehehe. It's been sitting on my todo list for too long.

I wouldn't mind them sending telemetry to tailor the product to their user's need though. I wonder how they collect this without sending requests

[–] hector 1 points 5 days ago

Can you explain the difference ? Is LibreWolf simply more hardened ?

[–] hector 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)
[–] hector 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I never donated to Mozilla so can't really complain. At the same time I'm 17yo so never had much chance of being financially sustainable to afford any monthly subscriptions/donations.

I'm using Orion on my Mac at the moment and Firefox on my Arch laptop + Fennec on my GrapheneOS phone (need the extensions that are not supported on Vanadium).

Even if Orion is not open-source, Kagi is really making good software so I think I'm gonna pay for it so it lasts during time. Is there a way to verify they're not selling data?

https://kagi.com/orion/ https://kagi.com/orion/faq.html#privacy

They're going to open-source someday I think, I really need to start helping them financially because I like what they make.

Might be an alternative for Mac users.

[–] hector 38 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Thanks for the link, this is impressive because this really has all the trait of spyware; apparently it installs without asking for permission ?

[–] hector 1 points 1 week ago

Must be hella cute IRL (✿◠‿◠)♡ ;))

[–] hector 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Did you do that on Matplotlib ? That's pretty great and exciting that it allows to work with geographic data. Even if I didn't understand the map I find it cool that you made it

[–] hector 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

So why is the title "Countries stance on Russia", sorry for my lack of understanding


Ça fait un mois que j'ai emménagé dans le 15e et je suis très excité par toutes les opportunités de rencontres et de découvertes dans la ville. Cependant la solitude me pèse un peu... (Pour l'instant j'essaie de faire une expo tous les week-end)

Pour donner un peu de contexte, j'ai terminé le lycée et examens en juillet 2024 et j'ai quitté la fac (ça ne me plaisait pas du tout) pour faire du développement dans une boîte au centre de Paris.

Du coup, plus de potes de lycée/enfance, plus de potes de fac, et totalement perdu dans cette ville, très jolie néanmoins et probablement passionnante.

Si vous connaissez des spots/assos/groupes pour sociabiliser en dehors du taff (et d'Internet) et rencontrer une grande diversité de gens, écrivez un commentaire.

J'aime/je fais :

  • de l'open-source
  • du beatmaking
  • du JdR (je suis maître de jeu normalement mais vraiment la flemme de m'y remettre en ce moment)
  • je lis beaucoup (de tout mais pas mal de fantasy et de philo)

Je suis curieux de découvrir :

  • les catacombes (faut y aller au moins une fois tant que je peux)
  • le monde (je suis jeune donc j'ai encore rien vu)
  • des gens différents que ce de mon quotidien

Voili voilou je vous aime les loulous ❤️, ce n'est pas une présentation exhaustif de ce que j'aime donc soyez créatif avec les propositions

Merci d'avance...

Tampon rule (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 2 months ago by hector to c/[email protected]

Si vous connaissez un peu le slang, l'histoire de Juice WRLD, c'est vraiment une musique frappante. Il faut savoir qu'il a (pratiquement) tout enregistré en 1 take!

Je voulais juste partager ça :)


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/25740453

Tips: mettez en mode lecteur pour lire l'article sans créer de compte...


(Please when answering, assume I’m not a beginner at privacy/programming :) I know where the good stuff at)

First off, shameful confession: I’m writing this on a dying yellow iPhone XR I bought second-hand three years ago (189€). I absolutely love the look of it: the screen, build quality, are all amazing. The only problem was the locked ecosystem (sideloading Spotify/Torrent client was sooo hard).

I saw the android phone of my mother dying really fast. She currently has a Xiaomi phone that’s ridiculously big for my hands, there’s advertisements in the stocks apps (?!!), the UX is janky and everything. It looks like a bloat, privacy nightmare.

So… because it’s impossible to find a jailbreakable phone nowadays I need to buy an android and ideally I would want:

  • Good screen (vivid colors)
  • Good build quality (not shitty plastic)
  • Don’t care about the camera (I don’t want those ridiculously big cameras they make nowadays)
  • Would want to install either GrapheneOS/LineageOS

The things that scare me off:

  • I really need my bank app and I need it updated so I have to use Google Play Services but I don’t want it to plague my phone with privacy bullshit (I want to be degoogled)

The things that excite me:

  • Customization possibilities
  • Learning experience
  • Even more privacy than a de-googled IOS phone :)
  • F-Droid!! (Maybe I’ll find a beautiful IRC client)
  • More choices for Mastodon & Lemmy clients
  • Freedom of free software.
  • client for open-source git providers :)

But to get all of that, I don’t want Google, I need shitty apps (non-free software) I have to install:

  • Instagram (for non-technical friends)
  • GitHub (job & open-source)
  • No-Ad Modded Spotify from Balatan
  • Discord (gamer friends)
  • Telegram (cryptobros friends)
  • Steam (because I still love gaming)

Any advices? Phone ideas? I’m so lost in this ocean of choice (freedom ✨)

My current phone:


When I watch certain of his Youtube clips, etc... some things bug me off. What do you think of it?


For me, the first time this happened was with The Royal Assassin Saga from Robin Hobb, and then Metro 2033.

This year, it’s The Witcher saga… (I can’t move on) I love all those introspective books with thoughtful heroes trying to make sense of the world they are forced to evolve into.

Do you have any other book like that?


I have been learning C++/Elixir recently and I’ve made a distributed port scanner & and a streaming platform with Elixir (what an amazing language to work with) and some fun in C++ (also super cool to use).

I feel like I gained basic mastery of the languages, but I’ve been meaning to deepen my knowledge of them. However, I don’t know where to start now…

Can you give me ideas, open-source project that I could help, etc… ? Thanks!


I've been trying to learn a system language because it would enable me to access a whole new world of possibility for games, tools, and potential projects. My main problem when learning the language are:

  • can I write modern C++ code using the newer standards and still compile with libraries from older standards?
  • how do I even organize a C++ project? Look at the linked project, the CMakeList.txt is so hard to understand, the syntax looks so hard to write.
  • how do I install dependencies? You're going to laugh at me, but I always used languages with package managers and I looked again at the linked project, and they write a whole CMakeList.txt to import ImGui (GUI library I wanna try) but if you compare the structure of the files, it's different from the ones on the repository of ImGui.

As you see there are a lot of problems and it pains me to not be able to solve them because Rust is so unfun to use and work with! Do you think I should try C++, carry one with it?

Thanks, hector.


As in, the download speed you provide to the peers.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/12810167

I've made a full archive of Yuzu

Hi I've made a full archive of Yuzu. That would include all their Github issues, the git repo on its last version, the latest available release binaries from the Github page, and all of their progress reports from the Yuzu website. The progress reports are good for understanding the general work and weaving a narrative in your mind about the trajectory of the Yuzu project, and the Github issues can outline resolved issues and outstanding ones.

I do not include any illicit materials in my archive. If you seek keys, roms, firmware, etc, you won't find it here.


While I'm happy to share this torrent for basically as long as possible, I do not have port forwarding available. So if anyone wishes to have these materials and possibly has a seedbox, please assist! Also this is like the first time I've ever created a torrent, but I'm pretty sure I did it right.

P.S. I am completely unrelated to Yuzu team members. I'm just a saddened user like everyone else.

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