It was an inspiration, the model 100 and also the moonlander
Great line of thought
I probably should but I'd have to learn it first and I'm going to use laser cut acrylic so any 2d design should be fine for now, maybe in the future I'll 3d print a case, if so I'll try to use fusion 360 to do it
Wow, great content, it will definitely be helpful once I start building the keyboard, my father in law works with laser cutting and acrylic so I'm planning on using it for the case/board
About the inkscape tip, I'm doing this, helped a lot because I could fine tune the angles and offsets pretty quickly
I've made an Android app to keep multiple accounts in sync, you can check it at
Maybe he couldn't find it 😳
In my opinion it made to the meta after two important changes, her poison wall going through walls and giving instant damage, and also icebox and breeze arrival
The current branch has a setting feature but I didn't released it yet due to tests I'm doing
I play Valorant at least 3 times a week, often I dream I'm playing it, and it feels exactly how you described, the perspective keep changing then I'm suddenly in the game, playing it or watching me playing it
Wow it seems I'm addicted to work, parks and flying, once I also dreamed about going to the theater, might check this, could be dangerous to be addicted to theaters
It's sexy and looks comfortable, do you enjoy the MDF board?