I honestly forgot it was called palantir, I just call it PLTR and that helps.
This is how we afford rent
Correct. It's about money
Now I'm having a secondhand panic attack for you asking
I don't think you understood my point when it comes to statistics and significance. I wasn't talking about how many people didn't vote, I was talking about how the people who did vote is a monumental sample size for the entire population. So if the entire population did vote the outcome would be very similar to what the sample size predicted with their actual votes.
Unfortunately uncommitted voters would not have changed the results pretty much at all. The representation in the voting population is a highly significant percent of the population as far as statistics are concerned.
If there was 100% voting then statistically they results would be identical to the point of no changes considering the sample size of people who did actually vote versus the whole population.
I've jailbroken every Kindle fire I've ever owned, is this something new?
And that's still too left wing for the trump white house.
10 colors now! Don't think, go!
If we're talking OF ALL TIME names then i can manage maybe 15. I still only got to 6 women :/
That's how mine works, and I use different apps to browse porn so those apps are logged into the correct account always.
It's just the only reason I ever want to talk about it is in terms of business and how it's worming into government worldwide