It'll be an arms race against the genetically-modified jumping beans.
Fram Bannon, is that an endorsement?
The UK currently doesn't do even the most trivial of reuse. But the privatised water companies would rather impose metering followed by price increases to deter consumption, since that'll mean more money for them.
Yep, like, then subvert, sabotage, maliciously comply.
Trump is the start of Trump's kakistocracy. The downhill run started in 2016.
The WaPo is dead to me.
And actively persecute billionaires who interfere in politics.
I would like to hear what you think we should do.
Organize. Then, a general strike.
Of course they are. Those rich money-hoarders want more money and it has to come from somewhere.
Ascribing rational motives, based on climate science, to a climate-science-denying powermad lying sack of shit is unhelpul. He's doing it as a distraction, and as a way to further weaken alliances, which benefits Russia.
The sum of all respect Trump will get from me is, at most, zero.
I strongly suspect a funding channel originating from fossil-fuel producers.