This is awesome. Also, I now want to visit Luxembourg.
Not a bad choice at all, I play a modified Wine (Weed) Oracle in a different campaign - that dude is super fun to play!
I like the druid because it gets me into the collaborative story telling aspect of RPGs. I have to think about what the situation, terrain, mission, etc are to decide on what spells for the day.
Edit: I am wrong on the spell choices 90% of the time. But that one time I lily padded the entire party out of a swamp...
After reading through this I'd also like to suggest Druid. I'm slightly biased, though, I'm a level 9 druid with a giant otter companion :-)
Might be my pi hole, but link doesn't work. Love this idea, though! My group is primarily Pathfinder.
I had a thing to say, but you said it better.
LabPadre's 24/7 stream of SpaceX in Boca Chica. Sometimes watching concrete dry or debris removal is just what I need to take a step back.
I used to raise chickens. They are the closest living relative to the tyrannosaurus rex, and it shows.
This is the way.
The headline is bad enough but it gets so much worse. Shoot the kid, government finds no wrongdoing for the cops - then files suit against the mom for being an unfit mother?!? Stay classy, Mississippi.
Hello, fellow oldhead!
Otherside would also be a good movie, kinda cyberpunk and D&D, but this
Good bot