Op changed it to fatal mistake from the original fatal strike..
Fixing a bug for a fee will create a liability and obligations for the developer. Should you mess it up, Microsoft will have no issue burying you to save even just face.
I can see him getting into a long term relationship that could guarantee the projects survival long-term,(and you at least invest some money for a lawyer to tell you what your are signing on for). For something that would get a few months for the project not so much.
It's χιόνι which means snow in Greece and we are not very cold.
I am not American. I am also from a non federal (unitary) state.
While non federal systems far from perfectly democratic, federal systems are inherently less democratic because they add another entity to the election process than the people, federal states. This is actually most egregious in senates where every federal state gets the same amount of members for being a state regardless of how many people it represents. Non federal parliaments have a similar problem because you have way smaller number of electors to represent the people.
At least in US presidential elections states are awarded electors based on their populations. However some or all states (can't really remember) have all their electors vote for the leader even if he won the state 51% to 49%. This acts like a filter and always changes the result as in the percentage of voters for candidate A is different than the percentage of electors for candidate A. It usually does not distort the result enough to flip the election but it happened in 2016.
It can theoretically happen in parliamentary systems as well but it's much more difficult. Also it's an unnecessary issue in the US because the head of the executive is not required to have the support of the legislative branch and the electors serve no other purpose.
I believe the most democratic way to elect the president would be a runoff like France's presidential elections.
The only democracy I'm aware of where you can win with less votes than your opponent...
American exceptionalism at it's finest.
They absolutely are and Christians were much worse towards women before social progress forced them to change their official positions or become irrelevant.
It is now apparent that they never really changed their ideas.
What exactly is a fish story? US military being in comic and anime cons?
US soldiers trying to recruit young people posing with a character from NGE blissfully unaware of the irony involved?
If right wingers can like Rage against the Machine and be surprised they are not right wing or apolitical, NGE is way too subtle for them.
It's probably metro areas vs strict municipal limits.
For example Athens' actual municipality has ~700k official residents but the city itself has ~3m residents in 40 municipalities.
This is not about the amount of vram but bandwidth.
Nvidia will probably not increase vram sizes as they want to push non gaming users to more expensive cards with more vram.
If this is self-reported I hope they also asked people (especially older ones) if they have used facebook etc. for verification purposes.
It doesn't matter how 'insanely efficient' they are. If your tasks need to use more than 8Gb of memory you are going to run out and start swapping to disk.
8gb worth of data is not heavy lifting for professional use.