
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I personally have had mostly bad experiences with FedEx, but I do eventually get my packages in good shape. Their UI for tracking and management is awful. I had to sit on hold with support for fifty five minutes yesterday to confirm that the pickup was registered instead of delivery despite them not showing that. Now it's going through additional clearance in Alaska for customs.

That last part is likely a customs caused issue, but damn are they unclear and have bad customer experience in my experience.


Just wanted to see people's experience since there was that fairly recent kernel patch to fix some issues with having 64GB with the new AMD processors.

I figured others would appreciate some data points from anyone who has this config at the moment. So we can make the right choices when our machines come in the mail.

Maybe some relevant points are distro + version/kernel version and RAM vendor being used? Any other relevant info you guys think would help would be extremely useful!