
joined 1 year ago
[–] dream_weasel 4 points 1 week ago

Bavarium for making donut filling right?

[–] dream_weasel 6 points 1 week ago

Expensive is pretty subjective. Anything less than about $200 no discussion required. Above that, we usually have a courtesy conversation. We've never had a hard no spending if one of us really wants or needs something, but a required justification or notice prevents impulse buys.

Joint also doesn't mean you can't have an account (or a bucket or a tally) where you save for something you want, it just means it's not a secret.

[–] dream_weasel 9 points 1 week ago (6 children)

All our accounts are totally joint and wife and I carry basically the same credit cards. No reason to be separate IMO. Only need one check book that way and I can pay all the bills for all the cards in one place.

[–] dream_weasel 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've never been a concert. At least not so far

[–] dream_weasel 8 points 1 week ago

Smile doesn't reach her eyes, it's like uncanny valley off-putting to me.

[–] dream_weasel 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'll give a watch when the holiday weekend is over, probably not great content for my 2 kids under 4.

Favorite Ethiopian dish? Been wanting to try making something in that vein.

[–] dream_weasel 2 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Thank you much for the verbose reply. I think I have misunderstood the concept of veganism up until this point, conflating its fundamentals with PBD. It seems like the PBD is actually a byproduct of the concept of veganism rather than the starting premise.

That being said, I don't think I can engage with the "vegan community" in a way that is satisfying to either party. I grew up eating an animal protein every meal, but I don't feel like that's really necessary or beneficial in the long run. There are lots of good reasons to go PBD, but I'm looking at it like alcohol: I enjoy it, but I don't need to have some every single day. Cutting back (or out) is objectively good, but I'm just not interested in completely removing animal protein from my life. Maybe for that reason, a key problem I have getting comfortable in a PBD is I don't want to eat plants pretending to be meat or dairy or cheese: the ones that I have had are like if I described to a scientist what gas station cheese / butter tastes and feels like. I would rather eat plant dishes that are tasty and nutritious in their own right without a supplement sprinkle / other ingredients pretending to be eggs or milk or what have you.

It's not easy to get started building a repertoire of meals, but you've at least given some good tips besides letting me know I'm looking in the wrong place / barking up the wrong tree.

I will reread what you wrote again tomorrow.

[–] dream_weasel 1 points 1 week ago

Put pill in mouth, swallow pill. People hate this one weird trick!

I don't like to do it, but sometimes I gotta take a pill and have no beverage.

[–] dream_weasel 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Of course, there's no shortage of battles to fight. What I'm saying is take those battles to their own battleground. Climate change? Sure let's get after it. Animal rights? Also yes, no reason for unnecessary cruelty whether you eat them or not. But if I agree to eat less meat for any reason, even if it's the wrong reason or an incomplete reason, you WON that battle. Same if I decide I won't drink milk, but I still want to eat fish. Or if I decide I'm not going to wear clothing made from animal products. Just take the W and keep the possibility of future conversation. You get literally nothing by saying "Aha, you agree with me, but not absolutely / for the wrong reasons, you fucking carnist" except whatever warm fuzzies it brings you. You can't one-shot win the war with most people, so why poison the water for some narcissistic dopamine hit and prevent earnest discussion in the future?

[–] dream_weasel 12 points 1 week ago (14 children)

Why not just agree and say "hey yeah, great lifestyle"?

This is everyone's gripe from the outside. You do you, live a healthy life. Make a good case and many of us will even agree with you: it's an admittedly healthier pick and better for the earth. But for some reason we can't stop there, can we?

You can't say, hey I don't smoke, it's not good for you, here's a source. And then I say "Hey thanks!". Instead, if you want to be on team vegan, we have to all agree that cigarettes are not just bad for the atmosphere and for lung health, but ALSO that smoking is innately capitalist and supports a corrupt economic structure, it's mean to tobacco leaves, marijuana and tobacco are the same and have equal rights, using hemp is morally outrageous (just as bad as hurting tobacco leaves), and now we have to call all smokers "smokists" as if to imply that the only thing they ever breathe is smoke, that way we can really show our distaste.

There would be so many more vegans and vegetarians if the communities could just take the win of the lifestyle without requiring the morality and politics at the gate. It's telling to me that the vegan communities that vegans like the most are on hexbear (defederated by everyone for their assholery) and vegan theory club where the mod/instance admin has a ton of comments signed "death to america" and basically requires political adherence in the comment section lest your comment be deleted.

[–] dream_weasel 8 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Maybe this isn't the place for this discussion, but why be this way? Is it because you feel like this is the treatment you get around the rest of lemmy or the rest of the world? Is the vegan day-to-day so bad that you need a place you can use a made up pseudo-slur about the majority of the population to other like-minded folks?

I could be convinced to change my diet, but it's not even possible to engage a vegan where they are (vegan subs) to ask honest questions unless I happen into an unrelated comment chain. I'm never going to subscribe to the vegan religion, but from the perspective of personal health I am interested in the principles and the "how to".

This is a great hook post, and unlike reddit this stuff frequently bubbles to the top of "all" so you're getting traffic from people like me. Unfortunately it seems like this kind of good post is the cheese in the mouse trap. It may have been you who specifically asked me to listen to vegans, I told you I wouldn't because of the vitriol. I'm not asking you to change, but I am asking why you feel like you do.

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