Awww... Give yourself a little credit! If you were born the successor of a slave employing Emerald Mine fortune, you could fail your way up too!
So uh... Where are your mega millions then champ???
No apologies needed, if you missed it, plenty of others probably did too. Poe's law and all that. And frankly I fully agree with your point.
Lol, thanks. Next time I'll drop a /s
But maybe you could still pretend I am a strong man every once in a while anyway? As a treat?
no... oh... okay...
I say we push them harder, hard enough that they mandate single person unisex bathrooms, with the fancy auto room washing function they have in Japan. Then I can finally crap in peace.
God damn, this is like reverse Poe's Law. I thought for sure your first post was sarcasm.
I'm gonna level with you, I didn't think that far into this...
I dunno if "remembering" something is so strong an act as to imply an opinion, positive or negative.
Thing is, this is at the dollar store, and you can only buy one item per transaction.
Same. Which is crazy, cuz I spend my time arguing with Tankies on Lemmy.