The more resistance there is, the less the electrical load is. Maximum electrical load would be a short circuit (near zero resistance, maximum current flow); minimum would be a cord or device with infinite resistance (no current flow).
Considering V=I*R and P=I^2 * R, increasing resistance will decrease current and this will decrease power.
comprehension - the action or capability of understanding something.
LLMs don’t understand anything they read.
The tail section separated on impact. There’s a couple videos, one from the outside showing people being rescued from the tail, and one from the inside from one of the survivors.
While doing some research on Sega Channel (I was a SNES kid) I found this article which has a lot of cool info.
However many paperclips are the max in Universal Paperclips. Some ridiculous number like “undecillion” but probably a few factors of 10 higher.
Seems like your phone would get really hot and rapidly degrade the battery, especially while on charger overnight. It’s not designed for continuous workloads.
Phones can rapidly compress video on the fly because they have dedicated silicon just like video cards in PCs. That’s not why the files are large. Why not just shoot at a lower resolution and frame rate?
Bases are much more effective at breaking up organic matter than acids. You can pour concentrated acid on your hand to little effect if you rinse it off quickly. You will not be able to do this with strong bases (think that scene from Fight Club). Strong bases rapidly destroy organic matter.
If you need to dissolve a body, use lye, not some acid.