[-] damnYouSun 30 points 11 months ago

Is Texas now competing to be more or diseutopian than North Korea because it's certainly seems like that appears to be the goal.

[-] damnYouSun 26 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

People throw around the word too much, there are actual Nazis around and we need to reserve the term just for their special brand of evil. Otherwise the phrase gets so watered down as to essentially become meaningless.

Otherwise they are just rightwing dipshits.

[-] damnYouSun 21 points 1 year ago

There's one near me with a split SSID called, VM2.4ghz and VM5ghz-not5g

I'm pretty sure it's my elderly neighbors, and I am pretty sure their kids got sick of explaining that five gigahertz and 5G are not the same thing, and neither cause covid.

[-] damnYouSun 17 points 1 year ago

"Climate change doesn't exist because of winter."

[-] damnYouSun 29 points 1 year ago


The protest wasn't supposed to be about causing problems, it was supposed to be about making a point. That's what people who opposed the protests never understood. Including Reddit.

They kept saying "oh it'll calm down and then everyone will come back to the site", well, it did calm down, but only because people decided they couldn't be bothered with them anymore. Since there were always other options, people went there. (God only knows why that didn't occur to the likes of Spez)

[-] damnYouSun 24 points 1 year ago

Also he is using it wrong because "sunsetting" means a slow winding down. You know, because the sun doesn't instantly turn off.

But they basically literally just suddenly turned off gold today, without any pre warning.

They have basically sent a message to everyone telling them they've already done it.

[-] damnYouSun 35 points 1 year ago

My cat likes to invert her spine into a kind of gel substance and then stick her face down the side of the bed between the wall.

I am fairly sure that she is perfectly happy with having a whiskers compressed, what she's not happy about is having less food.

[-] damnYouSun 41 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have a lamp and that has an LED that is on all the time.

Why would a lamp have a permanently on LED? That's what I get for getting cheap crap from China, rather than premium crap from China.

[-] damnYouSun 19 points 1 year ago

If a company makes it hard for me to cancel I won't mess around with them I'll just cancel the direct debit on my side and they can deal with it.

I will try and cancel using the approved method but really it's their responsibility to let you terminate the contract. After all what are they going to do, not let me open the contract again later on, of course they're not, so the onus is on them.

submitted 1 year ago by damnYouSun to c/[email protected]

Could there please be an option somewhere in the setting to turn off the thing where it shows you your comment after you post it.

All it does is it makes me lose my place in the thread.

What a lot of the Reddit apps used to do is just highlight (as in with a colour) your comment you've just made so you know it's been submitted, but otherwise don't change to a different view.

Obviously make it an option, I can see why some people may find it useful

[-] damnYouSun 22 points 1 year ago

It's the Romulans, they're holding back human progress.

[-] damnYouSun 24 points 1 year ago

Wouldn't supplying Trump come under religious belief.

[-] damnYouSun 22 points 1 year ago

Are they not still in violation of accessibility laws though?

The existence of a competent third-party solution does not negate the fact that they don't have accessibility features in their product.

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