I suspect there's also a branch off in the activism ~> radical doomer pipeline that leads to radical (direct) activism.
It convinces me we can’t rely on governments and corporations to do what is necessary to save our planet, so it is up to the common people to do what is necessary. But such actions would come at great risk and sacrifice to ones personal comfort, and the closest I even see to people taking these steps is throwing food at paintings, or people gluing themselves to the floor. I’ll admit, it’s more than what most people would do, but we should really be past the clown shit by now.
I agree 100%. I still believe (hope) that money is the best weapon we have, for now.
Thanks to Trading Places (1983) for the meme - fun movie from another era.
This describes well the 2030s presidential hopeful 'The Pastor' in Stephen Markley's The Deluge.
I really believe this is the kind of action every one of us can work on.
do the research to find out who the bad fossil actors in your $ spend are
find an alternative (or stop the spend)
Forcing the $$ to dry up is the only action bad actors understand (other than effective legislation & enforcement, which I do not believe is ever likely in most jurisdictions).
Banks and ICE cars are obviously big sources of $$s going to fossil actors, followed I would guess by grid electricity in most jurisdictions. All of which (in theory at least) are under our very own control.
Fair enough, good point.
Good. From the article the turn-down was Pathways Alliance, which is a fossil industry greenwashing lobby & advertising group. They are being investigated for false advertising.
We have bifacial panels, cost was comparable, and rated at ~15% additional output. Now almost 2yrs old.
Why do we have such pathetic passenger trains in Canada? VIA is a useless expensive boondoggle, and we tear up existing rail lines to put "landscaping ties" in exec yards. What gives?
What happened to faster, cheaper sleeper trains à la EU?
I've never understood why there isn't a movement to go around to every piece of open municipal land that isn't used for anything much (except to burn gas to cut the grass every summer) and plant tree seedlings on it.
Yes I hear "town elders" saying blah-blah-blah traffic safety - maintenance - etc. but ffs, just get on and do it, and figure out the few problems as they arise. It does not need years of committee study!
There are even several companies who will fly in 100s per minute from a drone.
Sorry, my bad. You are correct.
Edit: I still believe the principle is valid, even if the UPS one fizzled.